Top Three AoS Lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 - Woehammer (2024)

This is the top three AoS lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 that took place in the UK on the 13th and 14th of July. It saw 20 players vying to be crowned champion in a 5-game tournament.

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Top Three AoS Lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 - Woehammer (1)

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The Top Three AoS Lists

Top Three AoS Lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 - Woehammer (2)

Idoneth Deepkin
Akhelian Beastmasters
1950/2000 Points Limit
Drops: 2

Manifestation Lore – Morbid Conjuration

Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Sea (350)
– Ancient Pride
– Delicious Morsels
Akhelian Allopex (190)
1x Razorshell Harpoon
Akhelian Allopex (190)
1x Razorshell Harpoon
Akhelian Leviadon (500)
Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (340)

Isharann Soulscryer (120)
Namarti Reavers (130)
Namarti Reavers (130)

Jon Anderson: At the dawn of a new edition, fresh out of the gate we have Hazel Moon and her Idoneth Deepkin army. Taking them to a 4-1 finish, she brought a strategic balance of units tailored to capitalize on the index prowess and its tendency to use hit-and-run tactics to great effect. Leading her army in the General role is the Eidolon of Mathlann Aspect of the Sea and she paired it with the Ancient Pride Heroic Trait with some Delicious Morsels so that she can feed the goodest of boys and keep them healthy.

Flanking the Eidolon on both sides are two Akhelian Allopexes armed with Razorshell Harpoons, providing valuable ranged support and harassment capabilities. These units are crucial for applying pressure from a distance and disrupting enemy positioning downfield. Alongside them stands the aquatic battle barge himself, the Akhelian Leviadon. A centerpiece of the army known for its resilience and ability to control the battlefield with its massive presence and devastating attacks, it’s newly equipped ward save clearly paid dividends.
In complement to these heavy hitters, the Isharann Soulscryer and her regiment played a pivotal role in enhancing the army’s mobility and strategic flexibility. Despite having their range nerfed a bit, the Namarti Reavers pair perfectly with the new battle traits for the Deepkin and the Soulscryer ensures precise deployment and movement across the battlefield. Allowing the Reavers to deploy deeper into the board enables ideal setup for battle tactic completion as well as potential backcap scenarios where you can sneak away an opponent’s home objective.

In terms of opponents, Hazel played against a diverse array including Khorne, Slaanesh, Nighthaunt, Cities of Sigmar, and Seraphon. She showcased the index’s adaptability and resilience masterfully. Despite encountering challenges, particularly against Cities of Sigmar faction, her Deepkin’s synergy and tactical finesse enabled them to emerge victorious in most encounters. This list showcases that while the Deepkin range may be limited on warscrolls, an adept pilot can both compete and succeed using its newfound strength and diverse tactical approach to the GHB and its mission layout.

Top Three AoS Lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 - Woehammer (3)

Gloomspite Gitz
1990/2000 Points Limit
Drops: 2

Spell Lore – Lore of the Clammy Dank
Manifestation Lore – Primal Energy

Kragnos, the End of Empires (680)
Rockgut Troggoths (170)
Spider Riders (110)
Spider Riders (110)

Trugg, the Troggoth King (360)
Dankhold Troggboss (220)
– The Clammy Cowl
Rockgut Troggoths (170)
Rockgut Troggoths (170)

Gabriel Fisher: A crushing stampede of Troggs coming directly up the board to smash you in the face with a big centaur god friend (and throw in some gribbly ladz for da scorin’).

In all seriousness, this is a dangerous charge list that has the capability to interact with every phase of the game and get up the board and into you fast.

The battle formation: Troggherd
If you are bringing a list of Troggs, it’s gonna be the Troggherd! A simple formation with a straightforward but massive buff, if a Trogg unit fights It heals d3. Effectively doubling the amount of healing you get per turn on every unit, to include Troggoth heroes.

Breaking down the heroes:

1) Kragnos (the GOAT…also a goat): Reasonably priced for his insane damage output and superlative buffing abilities. He has the capability to roll up the board like a missile and kill anything you put in front of him, particularly monsters. In an edition that looks to be shaping up to have many centerpieces this alone would make him an interesting take ; however he also provides an incredible amount of mobility to an otherwise lumbering army moving largely on a 6″ by granting a 3d6 charge to three units wholly within 12”. Whatever you want dead, he will kill. Wherever you wanna be, he’ll get some troggs there.

2) Trugg: Big lad, bigger buffs. A fantastic hammer, anvil, and buff piece for a Trogg army. He hits hard, natively hitting one of his weapon profiles on a 3+ (very good for a monster) and a mighty 4 dmg at 4 attacks. Not to mention the antlers. Relentlessly durable at a 4+ save ( 3+ save under da wonderful light da greatest bad moon), and healing a guaranteed d6+d3 health every turn (the d3 being if he fought) as long as he doesn’t die in a single activation he will be around all game. With the staying power to be there all game you can focus his abilities on buffing the gaggle of rocky gitz following him, able to gift them with bonus attacks,rend and saves vs shooting if you roll well. A massive (both literally and figuratively) force multiplier.

3) Dankhold Troggboss: Smarta’ den you fink (given both loontouched and clammy cowl). Another decent fighter and tank similar to Trugg with some key benefits the way Matthew built him. This guy is largely made off of the artefacts and enhancements Matthew outfitted him with. Loontouched allows you to participate in the magic game without having to add another drop to get a wizard that might die or do nothing else for your list’s main goal. Troggs. The clammy cowl adds a nice -1 to be hit, making a tanky model that is likely to heal d6+d3 every turn be even harder to lay lasting damage on. As a final cherry on top, he adds an attack to every troggoth on a 3 up. That includes Trugg.

Troggs: IT’S ALL OF THE LIST. Well, most of it anyway.

It’s probably one of the single best warscrolls to come out of the index. They are durable with 5 health a piece on a 4+ save naturally with a nice 5++ ward. Under the light of the bad moon they get a bonus of 1 to their save, however this list doesn’t have good old skraggy or the bad moon manifestation so it’s not something you’ll be able to rely upon. They hit hard with 2 attacks a piece 4+/2+ 2 and dmg 3. This is further modified by trugg or the dankhold, giving them plus 1 attack each, or a bonus attack from the dankhold and an additional rend from trugg. So what’s the downside? They are not particularly fast at a 6″ and no run and charge. How do you fix it? 3d6 Kragnos charge baby. Threatening big blocks of durable damage at 18″ in both your and THE OPPONENT’S turn with the counter charge command.

Spider Riders: the glue (or webbing) that holds the list together. Spiders overall took some crippling changes from 3.0 to 4.0 with the loss of abilities, subfaction support, and an entire hero. So why are you seeing them in a list? Battle tactics. These guys are here to score and score big. With a 10″ move and the ability to move over terrain as if flying, they can get up over and through the board fast. Putting a big meaty 10 control on an objective with five bodies. They also let you score flanks or board edges securing terrain. These guys are a needed tech unit in an army that is largely unwieldy outside of charges. At 110 points, they are a solid investment a lot of non squig players will consider.

Spell lore: clammy dank
Some useful utility in a minus -1 hit for units within twelve around the Troggboss or possibly some mortals if you have nothing better to cast.

Manifestation: Primal
What’s better than healing 2d3 on every Trogg unit a turn? Healing another flat three every movement phase on a unit. The head and jaws can provide some extra damage, but this list has plenty of that. I’m guessing life swarm was the spell that stayed on the board and made life annoying for other players.

How does it play?
I’ll keep this section short because I didn’t pilot it, nor would I as well as Matthew.
Move up the board and make sure you connect with as large a portion of your opponents army as possible. Hit hard and then weather the return. You have a great save tons of health and some ward saves. Heal when you fight back, when you start the turn, and at the end of your movement phase. You might as well be a doctor with the healing that’s happening at the table. Then, use your cheap fast Spiders to score while the opponent focuses on not being ground to paste under your hooves/feet.

What it’ll struggle against:
As seen above in the 4-1 game results, the army is going to struggle into things that don’t care about rend, can move fast, and avoid being locked up. As well as things that can get out fast, kill your scoring units and dump a bunch of damage out in a single turn. It’s no real surprise that a death stalkers nighthaunt army pulled out the win, as the mobility and damage is very good.

Top Three AoS Lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 - Woehammer (4)

Soulblight Gravelords
Bacchanal of Blood
2000 Points Limit
Drops: 2

Prince Vhordrai (480)
Blood Knights (460)
Vargheists (160)

Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos (230)
Dire Wolves (280)
Dire Wolves (280)
Kritza, the Rat Prince (110)

Daniel Bean: Soulblight Gravelords: too many dogs.

At first glance, the new soulblight gravelords are solid, perhaps a little better than the last edition, where I felt they were very much the benchmark army.

Recursion is strong in Aos4, and SBGL are no exception, allowing you to return models to units and return units at half strength (but now for an increasingly rare command point)

Objectives are now much smaller, meaning hordes of bases with good wounds can really block your opponents from even getting on the objectives – who needs high OC scores when you’re the only one there? This is where the I feel the Dire Wolves came into their own, they are on nice big bases with 2 Health (previously wounds) each, meaning a block of 20 is hard to shift, I only lost 2 units in the entire event and then of course returned them at half strength!
They can now run and charge, meaning you can auto-run 6 for a huge threat range and block your opponents from even getting across the board, bogged down in 40 health on a 5+ save, 6+ ward!

Belladama is essential, allowing the downside of the Dire Wolves being that they are Beasts – this means for the unit their maximum score of OC is 1 total (ever) – until of course Belladama casts a spell, adding a rend to up to 3 dire wolf units and making them ‘not beasts’ for an OC of 20.

Kritzka is a bit of a meme – his ability to fall back on a 2+ before combat is quite good tech, and Belladama makes him +3 OC wholey within 18″, but im not sure he makes the cut for next time.

Prince Vhordai and the Blood Knights are great fun, huge damage on the charge and certainly the hammer the anvil of wolves needs – however Vhordai’s ability to perminantly buff a unit of non-monster <Vampires> wholey within 12″ is more situational than it would seem, I didn’t manage to achieve this for the entire event due to where units needed to be, and also the bloodknights hitting what needed to die rather than the small MSU unit that would be an easy kill – the ability is amazingly thematic and I love the idea of them all floating down from the Crimson Keep – but rules wise it almost feels like a trap, at least for now

Vargheists are amazing, good damage, and on a 3+ can teleport before movement (so if they fail, they still move 12″!) – certainly a glass hammer on 5+ 6+ward, but I feel the damage they do, and the teleport makes one unit almost guaranteed in my future lists

Overall I’m loving 4th edition, my favorite standout part has to be the streamlining of rules that triggered on a dice role, now an ability to do, say, D6 mortal wounds (such as Vhordai’s bite on the charge) now is one dice role, and on a 4+ does ‘that many’ mortal wounds.

Going forward I think Manfred is a big cornerstone of soulblight lists and so he will be gracing my painting table coming up, as will some regular deadwalker zombies as they will do a simular job to the wolves but with a less risky OC value

Top Three AoS Lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 - Woehammer (5)

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Top Three AoS Lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 - Woehammer (9)
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Top Three AoS Lists for Age of Sigmar 4 Bootcamp 1 - Woehammer (2024)


What is the strongest age of the Sigmar Army? ›

Army Distribution
1.Stormcast Eternals1856
2.Orruk Warclans1283
4.Maggotkin of Nurgle1025
77 more rows

What is the most powerful faction in Age of Sigmar? ›

Each race has its own agendas, but all fall into one of four Grand Alliances, either Order, Death, Destruction, or Chaos.
  • 8 Lumineth Realm-Lords.
  • 7 Seraphon.
  • 6 Skaven.
  • 5 Orruks.
  • 4 Maggotkin Of Nurgle.
  • 3 Ossiarch Bonereapers.
  • 2 Blades of Khorne.
  • 1 Stormcast Eternals.
Mar 19, 2024

Is Age of Sigmar 3.0 good? ›

The Short Version: Yes, these rules are good.

I'm happy to report that yes, Age of Sigmar 3.0 absolutely delivers. While the review here is from own experience and impressions of the Core Rules, here at the Goonhammer offices our Mortal Realms correspondents have been abuzz with what we've seen.

What are the grand alliance armies in Age of Sigmar? ›

Lion RangersWhite Lion Guardian
Order DraconisDragonlord
Swifthawk AgentsHigh Warden
Eldritch CouncilArchmage
10 more rows

What is the least played army in Age of Sigmar? ›

According to Rob the Honest Wargamers stats for last season, the least represented factions were 0.2% Bonesplitters, 1.1% Big Wagh, 1.3% Cities of Sigmar, 1.5% Kruelboyz, 2.0% Sons of Behemat and Idoneth/Flesheasters being tied at 2.5%. Hell yeah!

Who is the strongest god in Age of Sigmar? ›

Khorne is the most powerful of the Chaos Gods; given that it is empowered by war and fighting, the ceaseless conflict in the Mortal Realms ensures the Blood God gains power constantly.

Who is the most powerful wizard in Age of Sigmar? ›

1: Nagash, with 8 cast all at +3. It's hard to beat. It's more than anybody could need. Without a doupt the strongest Wizard.

Who is the best player in Age of Sigmar? ›

Thomas Guan

What is the most brutal faction in Warhammer? ›

The Drukhari, the Dark Eldar. Their society runs on the pain, torture, torment and murder of sentient slaves they have captured. They quite literally eat fear and pain and death. They are the darkest desires and actions possible.

Is there a rule of 3 in Age of Sigmar? ›

The Rule of Three was implemented in Warhammer 40,000 back in April of 2018. The gist of the rule is that for Organized Events, you can't run more than three of the same datasheet in an army. Now, there ARE points brackets where this applies.

What does D3 mean in Warhammer Age of Sigmar? ›

A D3 is a die with only 3 options. Usually you roll a D6 and 1-2=1, 3-4=2, and 5-6=3.

How popular is Age of Sigmar compared to 40k? ›

Age of Sigmar is quite popular. It isn't as popular as, and will never be as popular as, 40k, but it's certainly more popular than Warhammer: Fantasy ever was.

What is the best Age of Sigmar army? ›

Tiers list and Best Factions in Age of Sigmar
  • nighthaunt. ...
  • ogor mawtribes. Podium Score : 15. ...
  • disciples of tzeentch. Podium Score : 11. ...
  • flesh-eater courts. Podium Score : 10. ...
  • hedonites of slaanesh. Podium Score : 8. ...
  • beasts of chaos. Podium Score : 8. ...
  • fireslayers. Podium Score : 6. ...
  • daughters of khaine. Podium Score : 5.

What is a grand strategy in Age of Sigmar? ›

Grand Strategies are picked as part of the list building process and included in every event. A Grand Strategy is worth 3 points and you either complete it for the full value or fail it for no points. These points only account for 7.7% of points scored by players of Age of Sigmar.

Is Sigmar the 40k emperor? ›

Newly reborn the Emperor, now known as Sigmar, needs time to remember his powers and who he is. His nature however drives him to fight to unite humanity and battle the warp. He does this, forging the Empire.

What is the strongest Warhammer army? ›

Army Ranking (on all results)
1.Elysian Regiment100.00
3.Chaos Daemons84.83
26 more rows

What is the strongest army in total Warhammer? ›

The Exiles of Khorne take the prize as the strongest faction in Total War: Warhammer 3. Despite their lack of ranged and magical options, the armies of Khorne sweep the field with their devastating melee abilities.

What is the most elite army in Warhammer? ›

1 Adeptus Custodes Are The Most Elite Infantry

These fearsome combatants are some of the most imposing and deadly individuals in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.


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