The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

For Want AiJ 5Ullr 2424 TUB SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER. THURSDAY. MAY 22. 1941' For Want Afb in Oakland 2424 cccc Buy Real Es tate for Profit and Future Independence 32: 184 INCOME PROPERTY ip5Penlniuia Ral Estat Mountain View 1 07 APARTMENTS FOR RENT, FURNISHED I Downtown 1US APARTMENTS TOR RENT, UNFURNISHED (L) West ol'ViV Ness" JACKSON, CITY'S NEWEST AND INEPT 'JO'l Country Real Estate TWO Ivg private lakin. "5 acres i-oVd, far valfr; Mhi liasfi, wild ilncka, kihiu niKM -fn A it ai-rnn.

Two hiinta 1 rutn bay acrfR KHii1rn Innd. Six nifini hum, lv-l oilfrt rnad, nf-ar owin-rnus town, AhKulntB uprliiMnn, yet "ft iaolaipfl, I5.0U. Wrm. W. Hrnka, KiMth Avf UHkland, Kveninss, Ml'.

(Sf)n(. HOMES FOR SALE "Only "DownH $36 a Month! View 1 1 1 LLS I ANO VIEW ADDITION PAN JOSE AV. AND COIiUA.M ST. 3s. 3s, nowlv shv.r..

mm. Sim. Friii 1 I 4m'C'. T' 0 (lis i i. 2.

ISO HOMES FOR SALE Brand New Duplex HKST VAM'B Dc Luxs 5 Rms. Each J.ali'wt. in Deaiwn and hVaiurps. t'H A yi ir to COMPARE PRICES Ol'KN lXRVKCTION. and Noe Streets HI II.I'Kn.

214 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BUICK B-U-I-C-K-S IHin super aedan Wih 1U4II loupe tiuiririR- sedan ll'dli pass, tonrinic i-5 loiirinit sedan 51'' louririff sedan D-O-N L-E-E 10(10 A' AX NF.SS AMI elpvlACKSoX. Oli-nl FLATS FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED LAKE. 13fh Ave, roTV h. rf. 3 bn ha.

Rossi Ream, new .1 0 Francisco Heights. 5-(l See to puree. WASH LVlTuN, iin! hoiiM, be LUXE UPPER TImvi (ffint ions Iteiit tiniiifi, two tilt' I'lillis, Ihiki', Nlinny yattl. lit-. it.

ri riw.t i itin iwn i'hi RHiat'c. si. a. i. NOW that you lmve intaied tho un-nirtushptl tlat of ynur vholc, turn tu Clasmfioatimi 117 to lit rn you win rind uniiKual valiirj in rurJllL1r rurnimr tul tin hum nppiianrn.

HITS IIAVK8 ST. (I ri'iimx. miiiny, nHrtiwiiu.i iioors; yaitl; tjnaye Pita, I N.tct'liill 171 APT. FLATS FOR RENT $IS ry lian 1 ri.nin, I'llrnished apt, tlak St. nr.

t'astro. Sunny unlunl. li new, Kar. HOUSES FOR RENT, FURNISHED P-'ltl Homes, 'I to 4 rnnins ii ini-1. II lliS 1 i'pa I i .1 tlUKAT Jllt.H av7i B1 V.

4 Adults, tinriitp. 4lith Ave. Sunny a I 111. garden. sdullH.

1571 Sunny 4-rin. and baili. Adults, No ppts. ji-i i as nn. ttininl.

ihild welt mile, ill!) Kl I in. 55(1 5 rm, flai; till 5 i in. lnyply, lrCanhy, 1045 al Av. 1STH AVB Ii(l5 ii auntie, iitean view. Adults; leas, tor siltiinipr monlbs.

JUMI. 6uernewoooParr ATTRACTIVK I'Dllasp, Swiss plialet, all ronven'eps. Ilurlinnanip 4lMri.l, Oakland 170 3 AND 4 KM. APT8. OcVuUiAN I i' I lUce nuir.

ill inn. Kit v. m. hpi. timx! 1' Jl 10 No imi bedims.

Also 4 rnls.l PACIFIC A M. T.ARiiEJI.4JtK.V. A (7l A fi 1)7 1 3 rms nn 1 SII5 GAIiAGE. i Franklin I. rent.

clean, rt-np. A Vt 315 Sunny II symn heat. 1' I' lg n. "MARINE VIEW hi W'Hhinumw 4 nnn, UuM'H' il ic Ht i.iij;tMiM rum. Hlljn, I.Hyunn rnin.

I'H' ilic JU iniN. 1,1" iKIN'ii? Ft'l- lb" "Mi'HT'' unusual 4 rm. in S. I'. Sep l-'retlt i i (M Marina-Pacific Height pistnct I $05 Flllninn-.

.1147 1'llra mpdprn sun. rnltyaa Walls, tilp halh. t. snn rms. ttlt i tilp I.

a i sun. I I'l mils. b.itli, In stun Kat aup inf. rlnsp Oiliina. iv-j 311 5 Octavta Cor.

Chpsmiil, An pxtept, apt nr' moms. I'iaiinPd lor lie Aniein-iin ly.ty pi' All ninv. S-'p lothty. JTiii I'ilberi 4 sun. rms.

ip, parilon. K. Vfi i. he I' runt ii Chef JfiiT.oft 5 un. 'I canvas vails, lile halh.

stall nr. st bus. ll'-'l'i hi sou. d'OUGII, 32i0 Jr. 6 lop lour (tniitjful viw: "IfHHlur: va ip.

TIallorcXwayTsF Buick '39 Sedan "Spet ial' 4 door tourhiK inotlel f1' bieiallit arav. Spotless mohair nr-holsieiT. A real buy Les Vogsl Chev. Co. 1.1011 ST.

5(1 SU. VAN NKSS. BUICK 1940 Feries SO. 6-paasenger rus'om tntir-in sedan, anle mounts, white-wall t'res. Thia car coat over Very low milratte.

Immaculate. 1 .075 SI'O POST Buick '37 Cnv. Cps. S525 F.riulpt with white wall tires, ratlin, fos liies. spot litcs.

wheels. heanlv! 1545 Pine. tLll'K '4'l Super. Tru. Sedan.

1 1 F. i 1 7 Rt 11 0 10 VAI.KN' IA. NR ITTH CADILLAC C-a- i-l-l-a-c-s into 1040 I out 10)18 lUu'U Oir "on" "00" 'nn" "on" spec, (i hl. $1,405 club coupe 1 .345 special setlan, 1.14." special sedan. touring gcdan.

505 touring setlan 445 D-O-N L-E-E 100(1 VAN NKSS POLK AND O'FARRKLL. CADILLAC fip tour, setlan. 10)17. radio; fi excellent tires; guar, nut li 485, tortus. A.

.1. Klrkpatrick. 780 Valencia PL CADILLAC 1041 03 5 passenger convertible coupe, used 1 mo. Cost 3.3.15. Priv.

own, must sell. Only SI. 0.15. VA. 8(114, 10-(l p.m.

today. CHEVROLET 4-dr, sedan. Woman ow-n leaving West. $d-15 cash, OV. 557 i CHFV710)I3SKDAN.

ONLY $0 Hargaln Rasernent, 850 Van N-s'W CHKV. tires, sedan, exc, 5 new $185. 0)11 12th Ave. Pr. own.

tlllis classification continued oil licit pace.) WANT AD INFORMATION Want ads are Hceepted nubjact to thp rulea tif The Bxaminer. 3 jii'wlv jii'M Attract, sun. B- i $30 POST. Frig frllif VlC-OK-AltY, l3N. Newly S.

nicely fKv. v)ii 1 I I 1 1 1 34 I iif a vile 3 rooms; ii. wi i tile ieua.iiist.hlv. 'J 0 im. Spsc.

ritnet. at Fri, ilo. erv. litin PEARY. 11130 gun.

mod. 2 stram I'L TlT. iJ'Jti 1 J35 "Sim Mini. )l's with nm hi-drm. tintl wnll si.

hi. I' nip l.inh, shwr. I'lil. ill' I $.15 up 1140 Polk; huh. noily uvcw.

3's; i If b.nh. shr, fVv. i'l.) I -iKO Geary. Sunny 2 rins. sirani hat.

$35 llMle, 7 1 1 -mTmI. iliwU; I.I, miiv. 1- i-l'-n-m, I- ns. SI.NNY a. p.

hetlrni. end! v. a 1 1 1 Fri stm 1 t'V. 532 lly iK I I up Rush. Jul I Newly tl.

in' I ailvap. I'll i j40 i Lb.AVFNVOR-rH. 6.10 Nr. Ceary Ine Lwinrfl.

tun. tfr.K.. hw.j inrl. Pay. w.Tl!l: jTicmTThi l'o.

'M1 Ncly upi-nr. i Ir't'it sunny Nlntu-ff. Ply.l sun. spa. inns, fitjti rms.

pIpv. f. I'uW KI.L. SoO In.liy, white sl'p. walls, fi fur.

vpl. J4." IT SiinflondPil 1 rnoms. Newly 1 1 1 1-n ami Siianons rlos-Pls. xpnpiian Mils. Panotamip view.

Modern ihnniKllom. nvail. J'! story flass A hldsr, required. 515 WFarrell. I'll.

J15 Kill KI SIl. I.arae suinloodttl twin or rihlp hods nn plot im I. M.i ni-sn. tun Top cor. a suntloudt'il, newly iknuatfti; oea-room.

Also wall bed; showrr, Fi'iir. 5 Hyde. ii'5 Beaut, furn. nun. .1 rni, very mod.

tat-'l. -HKAI'T. iml. new beds. venet.

Mils. 754 1'osi 70.0(1 lNCl.t'DKS Itilities and Weekly Servit-e. Four larp rooms sunny and well furnished wilh erttss veniilalion on a rorner (tf the top flout rreatfS a feelipg: of spare and quietude. SiT Smy liush, near row ell I NI1MKMKH lMKiRMAN Bl SH. tU4 Pheritian Arms-' rm ttra-tivp ratp.

Modern CASTLE 'llOTEL APT 4 ROOMS. FFP.N. I nusualiy lar-e rms. Newli- det or. in white.

in hdnn. steam, fltio Mod. studio utn, or venet. bids Jr. Ji.

lleas. PKlFi'T noTVNT)WN HOTKb TREMAIN APIS. Large 3 room tinltf. Pay and nlcht lobby; hotel lervle. 6ul li'FMtKELL.

TRos. 9504. Weekly and Monthly Rates Tiirecticn of P. TP. KM A IN J.Ol'D Santa Crui Mountains $10 AVK.

I Mil. halh, cabinet k'lt hen; for 'I. aooom. for close to swimminc pool; avail, for -week ends. FI.

84 Kl week days, after 7. I I Nr. 'J'reslle (lien Irauis. 5 warden, uak Iree; vit-w. June ii tu I Auk.

15. Rfn. (KM Klla-rl MMUNA'S -iWKST Ppacious 4. Al tri i ive Knf VHIU Nl- iur I IIC llfAl xiaj a re accepted t0 for im day's Firat Kdition uu to 7 p. lGy APARTMENTS FOR Kill KAN I IN AVK.

Jn "WpsIwooiI I'ark." NKW HOME fully detat-hed on 4(1 fl. lot. I inly blot ks ftotn Alunl earn and bi new niarkel. tenler hall plan. Colored tiles in kitehen.

haih and stall shower. Kilph.n has dlreet enirarpe inlo Harden, CoiiKEiuetion il. A. insppt'ted. 'OI'KN 'I'D 1NSPKCT." HAI.IiWIN HOW 1fll)S Oiean Ave.

OKI Price, FI1A TKItJIS. Only 1 lefi at ths prire. These honifH are nl 1 1 a -u Ii ra, pindPrn and! lilul Sunjft Blvd. 3 nr. Nnricjra.

Unuws tnff from a. in. lo p. m. A.NC'IMHt FA KS'I TK CU SO) J.7TU SKuhriifhi.

I $4,003 Up, 27 Mo. Up li.MS. llKY'FKLV TKR. Ileaill. btlrtu.

homes, pit-lure wintlowa, 5(1(1. otean vw fltli. Inclesitle eoiirsp; out Ju-nnipia Serra. Wd lo Carfirl.l. '(''t'lMltnn Halv.

F.I.. 4 I liO. 51,000,000 slew from a N-rm. home! Iieiai beil! Sunny! KMra larao Fruit trees and garden! Terms to sun! I'bono lll'l, for appl. to iitspeif Una centrally located and dieiul'ird home! Iluirv! 'maim Laance Jietacbed home.

rms. on 2 lots; hdwd. floors; open fireplace. liainiing. Scparalo naiase.

nr. Visitation st'liotils, cais. Only J.500 cash. JP5 mo. Crocker A ma mm OF! ilcncva.

Jl.tiOo t.iwner sac. mod, del. 5-rm A27 off Ocean. HA. I44.

ee lass 1 SOIt fur oilier Nan I raiv eispii Iniiiinp Prniierliin In the Ilirli- motid Ihstrirf. Alameda IfLBSO 4 new tilunihintt, eler range, lovely garden, gret'ii bouse darl room, carago and basem*nt LAkehiirsi Albany $1.000 Motlern cor. (i detaphed marina view; beat. Trade for owner. 15-1 1 Ralboa S.

F. I''. Berkeley JtKNT OK SAI.F, Modern 0 room home. Olas.ed In slopping porch. Venetian blinds, j.

rase, i.iuiei sireei. CI.OSH; TU CLARK MO XT. FRANK. AV. I'l SKY, "110 Atltlison.

Rerk. Ash. Ollo.l. FAST Hay residential and income properly for sale; lease; ext hange. Call Herkelpy's Leadinir Reallors.

MAS, iV'IK CO. I 01 Shalluck. IlKikeley I'ieilmont, near Inlernational House- -0 rooms, halhs. P.K. 70(10 Daly City Real Bargain, View Jlod, rm.

M. 5iill atiicen rooiI F'4 San D'i go Aie. lie El Cerrito YOl can save the mice of vtmr lo! here; 5 rm. FHA hom*o. years old.

Near schools and shopping. 710 Nnrvell, Open Saturday anil Sunday, Joe M. Turner. 4 1 1 San Pahlo, Corrilo, Ash, h' I OP Oakland $1.500 Sunny rooms, view. hdwd.

fireplace, furnace. Fast, Oakland near F. loon I trnnsp. Built by owner. FHullvaln 10'MS.

180B RICHMOND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE Close Ir ONLY $1750 Lovely motlern 5-rm. bungalow In excellent condition. Xr. schools A. tars.

Large yard Willi workshop in tear. Rest, bungalow bargain in district. Key al nllioe. (jreer 4.1';'i Ceary. RA.

535,1. Cash Right nt I'Mi-Anza; suhslanlial siiicro like in a nice iiiilfnrm mod. block. Items a bio. Priced right at and ONLY CASH down, which is rare.

Kovas, lavia Rlty. Ceary at 14lh, HA. 0700. New Bungalow fifj2 Cabrillo near loth, lie luxo fi sunny rnvs. Also (i rms.

Antl priced 'Jjus(right I Inen da io 3. THK KXAMINKR W'ant Ad PprvoTe Bureau, SL'tter 21::4. Is created to bring convenience in assisting; you to locate the article you aee adver-tlspti in Want Ads, lealow, 4,750 840 43nd Ave. A snan. See tndav.

Culler A- 53.13 Ceary. RA. .1013. i gas furnace, fine lean, Otten. ')K Ca bri'lo.

sfs ird. 7 80 RI Nt: ALO ii rnis 250. Alake good infer. Open 1-5- fisfl llilutl. floors, furnace, cond't ion.

A 407 FLATS, I ITH S5.II50. 4 ami 5 garage, stunt! front, liwd. income yH5 mo. SK 0131 Close in 5 rm. clean; knotty pine rm.

down- Malta. 2tilb Ave. Open, $4.11500 mod. gag von. blinds.

754 40lh Ave. S.MALI, hom*o $.1,750. 3333 best lociuion. Only Anna owner. BUILDING CONTRACTORS HOMKH built to ordrf.

Ttaldwlnson. 224 Av. MO. 1362. 18.1 LOTS FOR SALE RARE OPI'ORTI'NITY The only 75x1.17.0 level lot Willi oncbsl rut If il marine view, no retaining walls retiuired, aton Tele-gtaph Hill, overlook, linancial disc Fin neighborhood.

No slums. Priced los.ll 'edn i. 0:12 Montgomery Rl ll.Ti 1'31'S ATT eTn'T I i 3 "5 foot lols Sttnncsiile en 1 2 25 toot lois, Sunset, oa 1. 40 foot lot. Forosl Hill $050 1 lid foot cor.

lot. F. H. $2,500. im- 1'ipyrd.

Trail. Lang Itliy. SIM, 2144 SV. tor, 3lllh and Santiago $1,300. t'llna.

cor, 33.0x100. $1,100. -ISih. Avenue st lloa. $750.

tl'. Mi 13. $700 CASH. S. coiner, virinily of Carfield.

35(tiS. Sll'eet work. J. W. Wnght int.

4430. AIUJIO. levp( tiun ine fv cm-. His. nly M.450.

OV. Lomita Park PANK'P i.tO chmo for eriie. 7:111 I nn 2. Cann-salr. Wi iie Prop-S IhU.


flats. I'riord In fell. S7.35H. For aortt .1 AMI ES' iN. 13liS 0th Ave.

SE. 1500, FLATS. PACIFIC ni.e hikT view: sacrifice (10.500: make offer. I St. Cot-Mviin Co.

MntlC 12.10.1 22 STM hitl. hskpg, anis. ie. AVash-j 400' lull' inglon-polk; inc. approv.

it. 11,500: may ttatle. OH. otitis. HOxTIO low lion; full Fiat her, IV front.

Ituainpss or- ltrii'9 S-IIH6 rash. H. lerlm Ml, View. Palo Alto GKXrI'K value, Pe Itix nn ptory arm house. 4 a halhw, ntuily.

'n, iprrarf-o. ni'r i in'nl uii.U. chnicp (ncfltiiin. I5.H0(1. Kxr-lusiv i Willi (irimrun I 'a Jo Alio.

NKW 4-rin. bnnfjjiluw, npar at hou anil atoiHS, fi-rm. bttnua-Inw 1 acrt i hi equ 'innt-nt. Hums, ll4! Tnivfrady. J'.

jOWN, niotnh Nearly new 2 bedroom K.ll.A. huiue. i1, O. LJox lilU, Palo AUo, tiirrh i ixlord, Shc (t thM-rrero. MI.

Hit 1 rtfift'oti. i' Redwood City 10 LOTS. n('sl4(l. wilh view; 5 bouse on turiiei full prii See owner on premises. Snuihwest corner of aluta xoad and Ited-1 -W-ooti KVt'.

54 per sm. tin. FMA lei ins, lii. lot, fully idas-! tend; Ik. liv, liarquet.

htlwd. floor lais-p Alyrile JllJO Full acre West of lliway. l.KfJNAIill I1KAI.TV CO. 704 F.I Ileal. 1'houe It, C.

annj "II lull WAY" Business lot. North of Broadway. A. Jones, 4(15 Kl ('amino Ileal. Tel.

ill 5 I.AIiOK rins. Allieilon, tilde, tar.i 50. Aiust see lo appreciate. Huida Jtcalty. 1HSL t.uinino.

i nuiimng lots, ouxioii, In residential oist. K5U S5 per mo. 7X1 Kl Camiiiti, Ph. (H4. San Bruno KM.

KilA homes irum $.1,400. i'pninsulu Ciues Construcliuti (ii 4 HI San AJatPo Sun Bruno 1U7. Wl'ALI'i'Y HO.MKS FRANK A. lOlltlKR, San -Mateo Ave. San lirumi 4ii'J.

San llriino ipsnlent'es. Rest seidion. 5 rum. $4,075 up. Klcbatd Deluochi San Am Ira Ave.

Ei'ONOMYlioiim. Ru'ilt oiTyour lot or ours. anil up. (ii-peiie 07(1 San Mateo Ave. San Caries OPK.Y for inspeolion, it5l t''edar 2 blks.

no. San Carlos $50(1 Ipo.l mo, buys new 5 rm, home; walk, full tile baili, largo 77, I lot IKIXt iO plus. LiFS I It A L1LF LOT, 2 blot ka new ta hool; new FHA appruveti homes. wooded section. Quick sale.

tiUU nK 70417, KAallliner. 15.1150 F.II.A. Rpuutiful it bed i m. home.

While Oaas, out loseil pavtd 1(104 Til Camino. LAROK list of San Carlos homes from $4,500. Kan Cailoa Really. (ISO Kl Camino. $2.050 4-RM.

home, furnished; fruit trees, all ulililies; lol 50x3-l4. Sholl Really, 1100 Hiway. ENl'USIVK agenis best new hom*os 1' earing -Realty Co. for some of the In San Carlos. 1113 Kl NKW )l 3 h.

home, JliOP SM.OIIO. Devonshire, OA, 0117. San Mateo If You Like BKAf family homp a plaee wherp jcui can KKALB livp, it will pay jou to ate thia KV ifevv fame. l.a rp livnuf dinins; litit itelien with pook. laiKR hfdrooins, lull tiled bat pin 11 shower wilh Ums tit jo i laiKe soi la ha II.

laiin-oty extra toilet, and lavatory, ear saiaue. plenty of room or fttoraye. Air t-ondi-tinned fiiis svstf'in. Only niA terms iC Uj-sired. San Mateo Invest.

Co. AX KB V. JOHNSON, YA ('Hinijjrt Bent al. I'lmnp Snn Mhipo StM). 1044 frfO.

ItlOtXwABK STrPnplex wilh JJ alroadv leaKPd. Landspappd. Will pay ovpf Wo on invpf-tment; much on small eiiuity. bee III American Inc. BA WOOB KSTATKS li bdrTs hom; bfaut.

surround. Kox t'arskadon, 1 4 I Burl, Hurl. Sharp Park 3 REACH LOTS $75 Each Xear Reach and Coif Course. RAY T. HICtllNS.Sharp Park 2011 'ZOO Santa Cruz Mountains Real Estate 4 room cabin on river; furnished, double walls, fireplace.

A good buy. FH A loan. II. A lit hell al Kl i-AVOOD OROVE, 2 miles north of Boulder Creek. 300 Buchanan sc.

S. F. 17 52. 6P130 wooded chit' 'tps; nile-l rds water, elec; I50. S15 down.

$5 mo. 1 Mli1- 'tacoov, i.eaitor, rouon, I al S)I05 Own. sacrif, iwin r. cabin in beaut, redwoods. HE.

S.F. 201 Marin County Real Estate 0 rm. rustic cottage, fire place; lge. 3 service porches. I Thus.

Ti. San Anselnin .1838. P.EA I Tl Fl' mow lots in Tibiiron and Forest Knolls, A 101 S. Ocl Mesa FOR sale or lease: 0 1 -story, 3 2 -j baths, bar antl den; maid's rm. and hnth: solarium ami dark rm.

Willi oppu fireplace; a. lorner gardened lot. Rhone ovner. San Anseimo 51(10. Fairfax -Rustic 3 no.

cottage, rompl. fornishetl; lge, tiorch; wonded lot. C. R. HE WITT.

FAIRFAX. IN distress! Ream. 3 bedrm. snn eo barbecue; frt. trees: 1 vw.

WERTH, EX.2H4I. 3SSS Kentfield MOO. 3 11: studio collage nr. s. f)R.

11014, evenincs. Forpst Knolls HAKE off, Now rontt r. Finn. mod. 4 porch.

d. $15 mn. Own. 35 Inverness IN ERNESS on beaut. Totunles Ray.) J.ols of ncrge.

with mar. v. 04 Sillier, I MHSKN, KERN Fit (, STK San Anseimo iicket fence. Owner b-aving, Barg. Pierce Kra It y.

An pel mo 4012. $3,905. 3fi 50 per mu. Vallry Boad cor. of "Wl Oourt.

Own. bltir. San Rafael ONLY 3 yrs. old: rustic shingle home of 3 2 baihs; very, large combination liv, ami dining Panoramic view; $ii50. terms 1 Wm.

i San Rafael 1020. I Country Real Estate Sonoma Counly. 441) a. res, 54 cows, hellers, 4 burses, tools, everything. Cond house, fair barns, open rolling rich pasture, near h.iwav, two entries.

$17 000. F. Wrtghl. 177 Post S. F.

CAL1STOOA. cotitige. 5 balh, gas, Ise. mm, and fruit gar. trees; place 72340.

Prii Inquire 1.13 Latdlev 50 AC. dairy and gen. farm, nr, town I Imp. Will sacrifice on fleet, sick-! ness. Rox 347.

Santa Rosa. 1b or Kent 20 nc cbirken rnd dairy ranch, Srb. dist. Owner, 2055 Onerneville Snnta Ronm. VAX Catalog lnaileti tree, 313 bargains Calif-Ore, farms, ranches, STROl'T RLTY- Pacta Cal Incouie Poult.

R.h. Mod. 7 rm. oil, 5,000 lay. hens.

3.000 fi w. chix. $11,000. R. Scudder.

Sahastopol. SA NT ROSA 2Sinies. level, I bouse. barn. elc Irlcll y.

4 rni well Fx. tti0. Rep. owner. Rox 1' ACRES For pa ft tr $1 5nn "0 51 nun dn ehnstopol.

Prne leas. Rot 73050. Ft. farm nr. Sanla Home enu-n 1 ::0 I flnn In npfir Nphh Av-nup, with 111 HpHrtmnlM, rtrodurins $445 a Jimnt Jn fin rondil ion thnutih cnnsl riu-l wj nmny ph is; ha plev Hlnr, ift'riK-era inn.

ha ni ftod floors, uenm hfBt plant. A Vrewt 1fa I of Th iifll valiis roup Ml with hih Infiimp. ill make a pplf-mUfl invfdl-jnnt for ahnut. In Irish and balance at ft finanriiijj. 'VM), CoIdwelS, Banker Company 67 SLTTF.K ST.

SU. SOMETHING SPECIAL IRaIt n-o imH rr H-H u.o-t that monpy tan buy totlay pi-artiea lly new pair of small flatsj -4 rms. eaeb llhe type thai alwaysj renlai; eaeh floor is like a "Inlledej luxe Iniiisalow" wilh 'I new siovps. i 'i lgitiairp. etr.

Items low at Sldfi mo. Asking :i.5ll. Urn. by Tin SI. Al.

iV VS. 7 (III. Richmond Dist. Fiats Slodern, roniainiiiK 5 rooms and breakfast room eat-h, InealPd in Knott set-lion of district. Until livint: fooms run across lull widlb of ruouerty, 4 ear Earaye.

Large tar-Uen. I'rite 7.5l)(l. 'IHK(iK en. 71 SFTTKIt ST. SITTFR R18.1.

Heated Flats Cloyft in. liicoriip I(t. Two (('. Very ftoml cuniiiiion. One rcHun front.

Nearly ppw hPatinK plant. Trmlp pquil for or Marin rouniy tiroptMly, J.KTSINiiKU. TVviP Tilly. hi 14th. HA, PECIAL OA CP XKAIi Xevv Hals, just completed, erery-lliinst the very latest, exlra large lots, niten for piiblic insppciion.) Will take 111 jour properly in exr tnangc.

SARA It Agents. Almost New Rm. Flats MISSION WARM BELT Near lo'lli SI. Canvased Walls, tile baihs. separale vtn.

blinds. OCT OF TltA OK. MI ST Kl SOLD AVILI. KINAXCK TO SLIT. Open 15 (iiiorreru St.

Marina 24 Ele'vT Corner 'Is and (f turn. carpels, table top ptm. lot lixSi 'ti. 500. bank 5 bnl.

cash ('HAS. CRISKZ CO. 41 filler SI. Mn ttok OTV: Brand New Fiats OPKN 2-4 5 rms, each, every motlern improvement. Price llnhea id of.

$1 I .500. See this beauiiftil bids. 'Mllh Ave Kit' 'Ml-: A CAR W. SI'ller 3 21 Marine View AptsT Income $1,000 mo. Kxcepliouallv larga anil modern bldg.

Financed to S41 .000, OLA I 310 Kearny Snoot. ttAi iield 4005. MlSSIONFLATS Rest location Mission, level, vic. 24ih and Chiinh. $4,250.

Calls for intineiilala sale. Your hesitation, your loss. Save time Minify. Sam Mt Kee 3813 Mission St, MARINE VIEW FLATS iMarin.i. lu-ar watpr; quttp n'w.

Owner will Jisieti to deal, ua Ml OiPin, pii 4lSnttpr.J:". MISON'WARM BELT Sun floodPd dolarh. Ii lance 4 rm. ppw Op luxa flats. Home and $55 mo.

BhiK. tKvnr pppiIr money. Se them todnv. 'JHtifi Mission St. VAI.

1 I OarflSe, good ond pvefllptit lnra-tion. nr. Miasion and KuH prirp. 0-100, Sep tiis! CKfWui.i. st.

53,950 Ternis, 2 flats, vie Clayton. rl-7 rooms. Haight and ga Income $(i)l. See loday. OV 88T7.

'foiFtiiis SOMK ONF. IS LO'oKIXI Store and sunny flat TO th Avp. and Ceary. Income $00 too. Price $5,500.

Will take smaller in trade. Really Broker Assn. HA. 10.13. MARINA FLAT RAROALN 50-52 CASA WAV MARINE VIEW 2 li-rm.

niodern flals, .1 maid's nuariers, sipam beat. A Rargam. DO. 4000. 15 SHOO PKR MO.

ONLY S7.5O0. CASH XEEHKU AND OW NER A ILL TRMiE. BRIDOIJ COMPANY, EX. 4002. RKI VcT'T'fljrtroni 1 10 to 3 8.

500! Fprfect bl'lck eerv resn. 12 )l's. veneer. Mod. tnts S' DDKI! A- KN.

783S Sli.OOO YEARLY API. 1 gas heat. pIpv. Only sa ry. if illon le er A- INCOME, refr not es 50 Sin lor.

CORNER IP tno.i. apis. 2's and All looms oufsiile. ptinni, lose in. 8-car gar.

Inc. )I10. Pr. $18,000. Al KTRt ipol.lTA Really.

VI. 00,15. 151 Itehodcre. vie. Haight.

2 5-tni. flals, perfect cond. Ask (HIP. Terms. Upon.

ll sifi, DOWN, $35 buys 3 flats, 4 rms. each, porches, 2 lots. V. S. Really, 351 I 24th St.

AT. 431 1 Modern Flats, Bargain 2 beauties. Open P. tn. 1053 Crnve.

10ro not; gas new 10 r. ntni-cancel, lease; pr. will finance, 5'c Faddish, Hlgale BH00 Al'TO court sile. 130 H. Iroitlage.

Porter Jlryev, Colusa Rerkeley, Phone THomwall R.1I1, Ft LI, PRICE. 2 stores, vie. Misaion and 3rd Si. New S3 (loo loan. Sctidder H- EN.

783S. $4750. TERMS. INC. 2-4 rm.

flats, hdwd. newly rcnov. tipon. 7S7 Castro, AT. 2H.13.

STORE-and-flat-oti-CleinentSt. $4,500. Si, 350 down. Swell buy. lie Wolf Really Calif end tilh.

SAOIUF. eollity. Nearly new, 2 yrs. old 3 5-rm, flats. AYhole price $11 750.

Kr. Turk-Masonic. RA. 1.170 Presidio Ave. 8 2's and 3 sgls.

Car stucco. Inc. $100 Full pine 1,500 dn. Teslurk. WE I 100 4 rm.

flats. I -3 rm. I apl bdwtl. 1 5-570. 03 ('as SMT; pr.

$1,750. I N. SEE Clnv, IROn tnr ortier San Fran-risen Home talura iu (he Kiibnituid IHslrirt. Vallejo VAT.T.K.lit S3. 500; store and 3 rm.

a pt ga rage: good inc. 1 1 ade fnr S. F. Inf. 12S7 Pacif Ave S.

F. lD5JeninsuIa Real Estate) Atherton COLONIAL 1-A home, beaut, arnds. Ro. J3fl Patricia 1'r. Atherton Oak, off Selby Atisfin Ave.

Burlingame OOVFRNMENT sale. Cal. type hmnr. 5 rms. Post residential dist.

$4,000. Key at 155 Jlaton. Rest buy in Rurlinuame, 5 rms. antl brkfst. rm.

Alanv extras. See Owner. S14 Laurel Ave. 5 nr. and transpor- taltnn, Rogers.

1114 Rrontlltav. La Honda FACRIFH'E- suinmor rahin. taut a'tois. i i out ritt-t l.a i. Los Gatos 5A AT( Hi A HI M.S.

10 9 4 bedroom, 3 ba Ihs; water: b-Mi nrnv PttT.T, i rco: modern coy T.s rnns Millbrae Jft nnn 5 rm. home, spacious ft en, rm. Tile k'tchen. lile bath wilh siall shower. Price inc.

Venetian blinds, drapes, riltla'ns. ft pun. to station. MILLRRAR HIOHLANPR COMPANY. I i IF you ara InterentKl in ouyinE conn try property and oanr.ot find what ynn want advertlc-d today, wr'ti to The Country Land Bureau of The ian Kmnrlann Kxaminer, Room Hcamt Ban FranciflLU.

for frfe information. 40 A. with small creek, springs, some fine limber. 4 rm, house, Onlv Mild cash. Mft per mo.

HICAl. Mendia-inu Sanla Hosa. Calif. Pine Crest Ttf. borne on l.akp, furn iiiinii flamo eas; nlant motor boat.

Sao. Lot H4. I'inecrest. Always open or call MA. 1 .44, S.

tCaliforniaReaIJEstatii lake County Jl Ihikh hia; ttl-aily 1(natd all nr HfpHiate. "wnfr wMl si vry r'-Hsnnahlp. UIhaHte 2'4T. AlliUKliN local, d. 11.

town home, temtally F. Fault. Lakeporl. Nans I'On SAI.K 5 rm. mod.

horn. Car. Shrubs. Lawn. Would exchange for May disl.

property. 1 l.amvl. Russian River 1F, 'T Kl'Ja sum. rm. honip.

romp, urn. nil ra. mod. on Hi vpt nr. CiiprnPwo'Xl Pk, Jlinh view, lot v-pII draitiod, OV.TiOI.

Ail OKI. COC.VTHY llo.MB Willi all city conveniences. E. French, Sehaslopol. Calif.

Phone lOYIf. 2DtS Real Estate to Exchange "LQTSFQR INCOME Siihtlivision: 54 lots up to acre each; all utilities in; near Los Cains; recently appraised for trade for S. I'', Income and assume up to $50,000 or pay cash difference. Air. Jones, Lan? Realty, MO Sutler.


FL 5400. RH tt.iiu.Nti tnst. Two mnnern corner Hals, price $10,500. Subject in loan of Will take small ex-change. Teslu'-k.

207 0 Sutler. IF YOU haven't time to see an tulo ativertistd here, call The Examiner Service Bureau. KUtter 2434. An atipointment will be made for yo't. Van Xess Ave, corner apis.

Oarages. Sim. refrig. Fine inc. Trade part equity for Los lialos property.

13S7 Pacilto Ave. KACHANOF, SPECIALISTS. CITY ft COI'NTRT PRL'DKNriAL CO. 3.1.1 17TH Oakland. HI.

MISSION property, slorea and flat. Tradp pqutty for P. pn. Vla'A av.

MO.4844 VK SPKCIABIZK INT KXCH A NG15. ABHKKTON BKaLTY, INC. I 1 5 7 SCTTE ST. OA ,18 80 JS-BM. homp, fl'j aerp Jot in will Bade for businpss plare in San Kruneiseo.

VA. 15'H. OAKLAND bnnpafow eourl; inc. $'i00 mo. Want Bast Bay hoinp.

Holnian-i TilJL.410.'1- I lAil'V'U. ai Kussian Ki v. trade for houae. bet. Kedwood t'ity-Boaj Aiion.

mix no-icj. r. a. iomi '( lR. apt, lata, atuero; 1 rade for Ave- u-TWO.

S. K. flats AVant Bay property. KV. 730.

$5,000 Kqly. am, storp, for lota. Frederick i Mozingo, Bine St. Oakland L1STKN to "Tradpr Fred." KROW daily. L.

B. Frederick 47B2 T. 14th Oakland. 201) REAL ESTATE WANTED A Fatnii. homes, Income nd Investment propertiea for the hundreds of buyers who read Examiner "Real Kstate" Want Ada.

Put your orders in The Examiner and SKLL them. Telephone SUtter 2134 for detalli. OCT OF TOWN OWNERS CASH IN 3 DAYS for 8. F. property In any condition.

STATK REALTY. 2845 Mission 3t. BEST prices paid ouickly for cottage, flats and vacant lots. Write 12 A alencia, or call MArket 5217 WE APPRA ISE, pay cash for city properly. MISSION REALTY 5)105 Mission Street MA.

0444. CASH PAID FOli YPi'lt PROPERTY, any condition. Free appraisals. See me first. Phone Mission 4554.

WE HAVE TROSPECTS FOR 6 AND ti ROOM HOMES. CALL SU. B483. dE my M.880 second loan, A-l ttartv on it for old prop. 1 can use.

AVrite full info. Box 74H(ifl, Exam. WILL pay cash for Sunset or Park-side property in any condition. Diirkin. OV.


OR. 33 NO delay, cash for any roy property, Bi; 1 1 KB nt'R E. 4 83 Valenc i a HANDY nian will buy prooerty neetitng' repair. Roy 7 2875, Evam. 1 ROPERTY WANTE11.

WILL PAY CASH. Al KINDS. AT (1401 HAVE parly thai wiii buy Sunset 5 or ft rm. bung. SAXE.

OV. 7117. HAA'E $.1,750 cash for Mission oolge. or flals. Write Rox 7050.1, Exam.

WANT El.) lni ome. property, cash buyer. Rung. Merchant. VA.

ROOD. ART. mod. Please give full del nils. Rox 7H5HS, Examiner.

AH Hi. home. 6-'i rms, $7.000 to $8,500. from priv. own.

EV. f'OOS. Oakland CA'H fnr E. Ray prop. PRUDENTIAL CO.

333 17 Oak. HI 0)143 Santa Crui CARI? in year round or buy on rental terms. WA VPBS 700S. CAR1N in r. round; reas.

buy on rental terms. WA. 7O0S 210 Motorcycles and Bicycles K'' 1041 HARLEY-liAVIllSON Ousrauteed I'sed Motorcycles. Tlinllev Perkins 137 Hayes Street l.D',4 I Mil AN Sl'OFT $115. HAT JONES.

2.15 VALENCIA. 211 Automobile Accessories Tires, Bodies, Ete. A I To" WRECKING; mke. large slock. Thnnipeon'i, 60 Street.

MA. (ifiOB. MA, BUICK" BFTK li'4 1 super sedan tmed liMV) beauiitul slaie mey linisii. radin. -at covers, one owner, Alv jsr- 1 Dnnhl as 1 am now spiling Ohevrnlpis.

Se Karl (ris ith Don till more Ohi 510 Vmt NfSc. lil'lt 1037 4 dr. trunk merino. Kio- nomicni spKTtal series Apple Kn finish, t'omnipiely conditioned tips our written sua v. nly AN XKSW Ml iT'i'.

INC ar- J405 1414 nr lloo Van 10110 4 dr. tour. Sian, Here; 30 low mileaged, one owner; car that condil ion. is immaruliiie end tin 'opi only Ale, ri Mtrs. 7)10 Van Ness OR.

WHIM Rril'K PA RCA INS un ii eojiJi Mir.vtiS tornedi, 5-pass. coins. SS45 '38-4 1 trunk sedan PACIFIC MOTORS. 700 Van N'ess. RriCK '30 business coupe.

Cleanest one we've ever had. A REAL PoWFK HOI SE Readc lo co fnr H7.V HI'DV RVC11ER. 4019 Ceary. Ill'ICK special itnior trunk sedan. P.eaiiti'ul.

CuaiAnieed londition thro. ml Sdrl .1 VM ES. 1355 Van Xessl Rl lt'K 'I35. ll'ld sedan, musl saorific Owner. AfO 54:1.3, PI ICk t.i 4 Hour tour'-ig setinn; Owner.

.11130 I i I -I Nw Junlnr fiv homci, with pxlm nnnl apat-p in basem*nt. yit-wfi. 1 iiHiirpaMset! yahira. TheHP nnnit i annul tip (lupllt atetl in this Ini'MUitn for the lU'PHt-nt tiyllinjj Kiotlo. jiininr hlch anil Inch, pt hniila.

c'lnae lo shtiiuiinB; ppnler. Miefl taf and bus tranepiirtalion. In K. runbolt area: nn fus, (inly Jty alill flvllablc, YOl' JUST ACT FAST! STONESON'S SM San Avp. A 411 Ar sr.KKPixu riutcii SKI'AIIATK JiliKVKFAST Jitlli.M I'ATR) KNTItANCK MEYER BROS.

Terpsita Blvd. and RtoCourtDEL 20! 1 THKSW i'UICKS vfill-trnt last We inviia oii out loday. 5 room knotkouis i i aepuraie briuk-fasl room i for you fit 1523 2083 20 I 22NDAVE. Mt Keons. Ilapny Taiaval a I.

t. Homes i li-i i Olli. Aid, 55(111. Modern Byjugalovv 5 rms. and sar.

yia, nltl. Fnes-t-plletl view oC Kasi. and Uridte. Suill slmnver, tilp; eiose to irans-ptirialion. Askinit llfllKV! Il's Boinn to he sold! AV M.TKU tidltlMl.S'.

414 CASTnO. Francisco Hgt. Resale open 7 Alninden Cniirt. Ileaulifnl tt-rni, home, only yr, ohl. in ier-let I pond.

Tile balh, mall aliwr. tlnlv JiJ.llfll). Consider trailp Cieer 4K'l llearv. F.A. JS DOWN IS room dlnplte lype homes, colored lile.

lalh and plaster, canvas, nc oarllnp. On Victoria Street between Satcont and Shields. Chester It. MacnheQUHS Valencia. SI SO Down "P.CV OF A OKNTI RY." Vullv detatliPil coiiiiirv sivie bun-galovv.

only :iti.f,() per nionth. I'HK AlcCAKTHV COMPANY. Or. an ye. (I'MO, .1110 Horry! Only I Left! AT "Oil Inglesitte Oist.

Has eypryihinir IIKNKKL A- TO I I 1010. 5 Udt'M Ml 1 1 1 Li IKUIK.S IN RAYSIHK HILLS AVtlh nl Ihp lalpsr fpnlures, M.KIIll to S5.450 I'll A TKI1.MS. l.l AS inn JIO. Turn It II VdllMt Rayshot Fl'vd Win. II.

Ciahn. luiibler. Ml. Center Patio Homes -New 6 loom homes, Pullman break-taal nooks, shower iloot-s. vpuctian blinds, door luirrors.

$11,000 includes everything. "liliti 7t Ale. Kennelh Kers. 11450, Nr. 30th and Church Reauliful (j rm.

home; very clean; hdwd. elc; garage insitle en-Iraiice; lame lot. 5c cars; $5,000. Terms to suit. Oily Really Mission.

BATHS- Avenue, near Rallma Residence ot 7 rms, and sun rm. 2 tiled baihs and stall shower In excellent condition. Ooirden. to 4. KXb.

"841. i i Too i io I) voi'Ci i it 1 block from Monterey Rlvtl, Mod. fi rins. stucco all around, "-car lovely vd. anil Rard.

eio. Plus value and FRANK o. itKASTIUiM. 83 Market COTTAQE S3.500 2S ROOSKV'KLT Way. 2 hedrms sunny; garage; hdwd.

aiitslically small duwn pvniL Davis Htiitn, filill Irving, MO. 1 POP IloMK i'll'YKRS ATTKXTION Will accept your aniomohile as a down payment on a new 6 room bungalow. See our mode! homps. 1HI7 Ave, Houses open from 0 a m. io 7 Jo p.

in. lmncwii inumac balh and gar. Colljges. up, Sm.dn.rymt. -Near Ra shore and 3rd St.

Built to suit. Level. Rudder at 1130 Pago SI. IfKiolnik OHIO Op.B5Today,9J8Madrid Crocker Amazon Park, bet. Amasiin-Oeneva; rlandv mod, 6 rm S.l.tiuO.

Ml. .1000. UOLDKN O.VTK JIKH1IITX KH.SoO. lieiatdtetl 5 rm. elevated I 'a baihs, Orig.

cost. $0,500. Now offered at $0,350. Open daily 1-5. IK.IX 17lh Ave.

OV 1711 YOI'R 110FSR will not be home until It Is furnished; you'll save money If yon turn to Classifications 1 1 7 I lift for Fin-nittii'A and t-trinio Appliance values. 1 Yr. Old 5,850 A Mt'h SAYIN'O as compared with today'a pi iee of similar new honifa; Ave. OA', NEW duplex coliiimil 8 rm. patio bung, with adj, jr.

4 2 lovely sop. reads enls. Lot 27.4x114. Spare to build on. Has evrything.

Cor. Churt 21st. Op. C. draff.

SE.2124, Retlr. TAKKN in Irade A $0,000 home for 5.ti00; J.2H.4H per 5 rms. and! rnr In Benut.ful AVptwood Park. Ol'KV FOIt iVsrvrTiov 15:10 ARIjOYO AVK. New 5 wuhiu watUinar store FHA.

$450 cTs HnT50nio Newi) rTb plaster, canvas; well con-sirtn-teU; nr. eRi's. shots; only Key ri.17 Irving St. room ttet, corner home, I fast room; social halB beaut reak- gardpn; largp it-fp: 50 ft. hit.

Ceo, Ostertaic. 1007 (rean. HA. 4411. 1450 Wth A Nr.

JudEh room homp, npwly roiiovaled, aas fin nit' p. be sohl. Open. 5 7 PAR is Open daily, 1 in 4 p. m.

Oood well built home, siiicro. 4 rm. and bkfsi. tto'ik; nnp yard. OKI.

12:10. Al A KIN A. P.areain newly Ble hath, gas furnae, Mov t1 riuermor garnijf, sunnv garden, M'Alnnt Price only FrRNiSH. FHA model home. $5.

350. 2050 Snn Jose Avp, Open daily. Walter K. A- Mar Hansen, builders. BAOIFIO Avenue.

'HVW 10 i marine Vw, 5.350 or will trad for ctttr. (tpeii 2-5. OO. 1 400 Mr. Them 5 rut.

homes. 4lith ai'e. and, Pnrhern, .1. Arvid Juhnson Rudders. Phone F.l.kridi-eJtRjJ ONE best bet.

$300 dn. jToTT. setiit-tiei. Ollltg. lite ktUlien, gas furnace.

$35 month. VAI. 1071 JIOOEL 5 rm. home. 210 itamself" 8t ONLY $4,075: FHA $33 MONTH 2000 Mission.

$5 500 Russian Hill, 4 rm. sludio home, evtra ad.i. frpl. hi. Take 5 or ti room home.

OR. (IIKiS. NF.AV CORNER IH VtiAHlW, $4. .100 full pr. ci.

in: 1 blk. from Ravshnte P.lvd. IMP FH tno. 27 S2 24 1 SI FOK sale by Owner, Now 5 rm. paliTi burnt', just completed.

Reaut home. Pay 40.55 mo. Own. SCIIor 4430. $5 500 Oeiii.

he.l 5 rm, and social ball, restricted district near SI. ood. Lst-ce lot. tV.3fIO HANOVMAVR $3,750. 5 rm.

Hdw. 3 ntn. Clcrftintr estate, btlnr. vic. 7th Mkt.

s. dn. sirs. HO. 3510 3.1RI) 24445 rs 1.50 fine blk.

Vi.u rr. stores nnist sop this et o. barg OV. MS I 3. 33l AVE.

1534 5 snaeiou. rooms, lovely powder rm. I'll A rent ternis Claud T. Lindsay, hililder. nv.

33)3 50 mn nlotnst new A etna ntodel home, ehwt- nlir. mod e. fin. Open. Ay iCOTT, 3665 Pnaeloiis all elet-lrlc.

ran-heal, vas walls, stall shwr (Ni Mission District 7.50 Valem la, 1155 Sunny cleinj niotiprn 4 rooms. 11. utTIktt Al- Vr.TIl T. EL CAPISTRANO I T'lt-a mndrrn all elertric, a'r, omlitioiifil. color lile bath.

'J -jiiiiry si pi-conrrpt bWU' fl c. I 0 West of Twin Peaks I URe YSTON Tcri tn e. lan -e 4.1 extra sun rm. car. j-anor.

ieu- Just off Twin Feaks Hltti. I (P) Richmond District S'JS Sth Sun. nt frt. fiHO, i ms r. Balboa i SI w.

bed A.NZA 4illil rm hl al il.nli Ave. Altai refnit. Hons. car. FFLTMN.

Je, Willi small bedrm In mod-I erne new Ijldy While walls. jMHA7't645ModeriT laiga S'ippld walls. renr real. HKfiK'S a money tavmit iip. VVheu yoj furnish your apartnu-nr turn to Classification 117 (o 1-0 for up to the minute valuta in futnituie and home Rt'iiliancet.

Sunset-Parkside rotim b. Itra modem inn. Linolt-um. 4o 4101 Lincoln Way; mod. T.

T. sluve. sun. it gar. il-rttoni.

unusually lovely, ave Reallv, 1MIO Sth. nV. 7117, I'ainassus, L'O .1 lg. sun, rms. new slipple, steam gar.

il Avp. Fr. 15(1(1; Ige. Bun. Magic Oh.

slV ii ttm. (S) Downtown $4 Hush, 1011 Newly decor. tv gas. eicc. ir PINK 84.1 OI'P.

MARK HOPKINS 4 Sl'ACIOI'S ROOMS CALIFORNIA, 770 Heaut. mar. vw. twin w. beds, nial resses.

Kl.y. Miscellaneous $10 4 rm. sim rage, sep. ga-dtueile J050 Oak LACHMAX BROS, UK. FRKK RKNI-AL SKR t'K Millbrae ff.T 50 NKW nip kileh-i, ht atuvp, rt 1 in.

bt al 1 Oil l.a 'ru. Climip MUHiiftp tilit. lG'J FLATS FOR RENT, FURNISHED yi. 50 up Bryant. f-'iO, turn, nr.

ii turn. i'l. 50; 4-14; lye. 4 rm wir. adits.

I'OH. 5-oo- 14th. -Hnry NpwIv d-f nr. 3 hdw. a iiloi nia.

1 Snn. 4 rm. apt. la 'i hdrms. trie.

hdw. rln BaiiP- il07. or. Lamina. Snn.

4 tw, beds. ve. ht. I'inp. i room.

unny bed- tl. 15 5 biinf loud' la tnvp; near HnnpH, tniP-, near Hnu'H, ary. i.tit 'tK. HAVKS. liUd, in, (luuth 4 0 3 bpdrootTtj.

TtPally turn, I'M, LYON, til Hdwd. firs. 4 nicely furn. bed ooms. MrALLISTErL rooms, well 1437, iir nrntsbetl.

I'lerte- )a I'ticn. PACE. IIIIK 5 3 bedims, steam heat, clean. No stairs. u'J rl 1307 7 rooms, anise furn.

4 tile balh, shwr. gar. Alo. II 1 54 FLATS FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED $'M1 Sunny tnv, 'A hciwtl. rni ht.

45 Irving 8t 22 LAPIDOK. furnished flat. COA room un- $25 sioo, SI. 4 yard. 111.

OK lower, 2010. t25 Sunny upper tl. hrll-stair carpi sluve. litenni, 183 O'Fairell. $35-07 -Mttit.

4 rtns Rrosnan. tetlee. HA. .1135.1 alcncia-14lh St.i Nob 11.11 4 room flat, rontinu- ous hot water, Kas circulating lower, yard, child O. K.

l'hone yi rs. Pa nllne. lArket 'ole. near Barnassun 0 sunny hdwd. hot watpr, Kiove, 1 i siair arpt; gar.

5 I si ni, hot water wilh rental of 5 hdwd. yard; very sunny. oSM lU'dPeor. cor. 5 stm, suae flat.

Key Sanchez. TT. 00': 1 'Kl Haven clean fi rm. hdwd. autom.

nr si hols.Car liack yd $35 4 sunny newly yenov Bleeniutr porch, garden. 04 "Welisler. till ttinnif uu intta v)Yo J42.50 7th 0 V0-b Ole bath, gas op. 1 S'l 7.50 5 rooms and sunporch.

to. 00 5 rooms and sunporch. Key. F. Pnr-icer, TrViT'C St.

47.50 5 r. lowrr, si. stv rpl slip, gar. "rmv, P. it bnp'nd AVpnh fr.

Walter, A. 50-K' -Beau, upper nr.s. and snn rm, Ilea lly. 50UO iar'. $50 294 Baker5 modern; neit, gat ace.

50 Jaefcaon. 2MNR 3 sim. open frnl mar, vw, FI. 3(110. $57.

50 5 lukfst. sioam brat. well nr. Wash, Hi School. RA.

52liK. $t)5 Lov-ly ainstit; Spanish tvps upper 5 rms. vv-itii separale breakfast coloipd t'le bath, atali shower, canvits, rf I tgei a lor, gas furnace. Nr. Ceo.

Washington Hi soil park. Children ok, tall OA. M'vs llongla i S75 5 rm. center palio virw. 'l urk, $75 Clay al li.try Riaul.

7 1 3 baths; heal 2-t ar gar. 30 Nru' 4 im, Olx. rpl. flat; Jioely ma r. vw.

87 Rh Wa y. WE. P51 4 JONES'. 1340. nr.

Clav 5 rm. Ileal, hot water V.T reason. hie. 4 S45 JI5 I 4 I $'t 1 1 1 Rio Nido mod. er.

sliowt hoii-p. lo'n clei-. raiuip. waipr beal-a; alet'iiinw port lies. fiels.

SK. a. in. San Anseimo 6 r. mod, hom, nniipuat vit-w; fciinlfit, all Hfr.

Ifjise only, San Anst'lmo 'i'ihl-M. 17U rfOUSES F0K RENT, UNFURNISHED Hickory Iinih, ga nr, tlctavia. yattl. '5 coltaeH 4 looms nr. I tie sluve 111 kllfhtn; aiiulls.

Paulino. MA. 1 7WI. 15 I rm. coiuige anu gar.

McCar-lhvs. 1045 Juduh cor, ave. Warm Fell, near Chimb 5 liMini Knglish basem*nt bungalow, gas furnate, garage, large basem*nt. Aits. I'aiiltne.

VtSII. 15 Wanda nr. Rulbo Hi huol, Ii huwti. lira, tan hi, lniolaigeardgaj; SK.1!)50. i itotteck, 5(1.

nr. Rosworth 5 tsbihist. motl. every respect. 5-rm.

brkfsl. sue. hall.l- Saxe Realty, LUO Sth av. OV. '1 scparalo ht-ttrni.

bungalow. tunnel entrance. K.vcellent Only .1 yis idtl. 4lilli ave. nr.

Ral-j tioa. Jaiisscti, 1 Lili t'lpiut lit, RA. OiJI7. tba. you have located the uti- furniHhpd flat of your cho-, turn to Classil'icaiion 117 to IZH, where, you will find unusual values in; furniture and the hom*o apphanres.

ti rni. plus maid's lrs. Lease or sell unturu; leas, offer. 1 IV. Albanihra.

1 Berkeley T.ARtlK rooms tinfurriishetl, garage, yard. Waler incl. H0. (i, Oaeia, Snn Pablo. Albany.

Mill Valley Duplex Butm, rms. and dinptli fa eh. aiop. ar. t'tl 14 74.

Palo Alto JM5 5 rm. hrunp, "OoO Kinet-Hon. Kx'-j tp), cond. and Joe. iHarp.

Bowpr KHley. Kealunw. iVMI Itntnona. Burlingame 1MMACI LATK 6 rm. home, elope in; a Imi I hrdrm, Imme ti oin ti0.

rental ei'rviee for Peninsula htimfs. nun linhy 1404 tii'OHdwav. I'hnnp 'JHSH. 5 'i hf-drouin frlnelfsh home, tsi of hiplnvyy. eompleiely redpeoralrd.

fl.YliK KK1I), HtiH Burlhifiamp 174 STORES. OFFICES. LOFTS STUDIOS FOR RENT $0 $io Month Fiii-n. or prvale offices. Iree ithone service, paiking.

use of assembly one nionlh free rent. PrtiH guaranteed 1 year wilhout lease, hll.s. Civic ctr. 4511 Tin k. MO.

OFFiCIi: unit, lurnished; mail. Oarfield Riug. Mkt. $15 lolt. Oarfield P.ldg., 94'! Mkt.

$10 Attractive otflca In units to suit, furn. or Including phone; mail, message aery. $.1 mo. Finance 60 Mkt. MO.

OFF1CK. Onant RiTiblinT. 1005 (nr. 7lh, near P. o.

A CFNTOAI I FOR Vol It OFFICE. THE SCHROTII BLBQ. 340 STOCKTON ST. OPPOSITE I ION SQI ARE. of Now t'ndptgtound Oarage.) Lobby Space for Rent On deary, be I.

Stncklon-Orant anil florist, cosmetics, book slurp, library, or agency. Allrac. rons. rem. Rltig.

open 24 his. everv day. Mm. 814. 13)1 Deary.

OA. 8488. 177 For Rent With FurnitU'e For Sale 5 RM. flat, well suit for inc. flai; 3 car gar.

$300: rent 25. DllO'a Page. I N. 6)105. 180 HOMES FOR SALE new 6 l.rkfst.

i'ving H.xM. lake over FHA Key J40K or. I llna Bphiiu ful det, 5 bkfsl. view; excppiional fine garden; nr. West Bonnl.

ItK, liiAVK $500 1 yr. cdd5 rm7bunK 550 down, mo, S4.4 50 full pr. Key. i'MO RayHhore, S. F.

KB. ill ir, apt. house sacrifice, ptpflm, rei't'ir. Act Quickly, MB. TH'K.

SK. 2 BH. NKW hnmeg Willi FN tP, 2 HKOKOUM social hall J4.750, 1K. 8212. 4Sj down, mo.

Oallli built 5 rm. plastered borne. 45th Av.j and Hirers St. OV. 7021.

3.S05 Brand pew inodeH jhhphioiis.1 5 full basptnent. Sta ndai Hide, Ave. and St. pell my nice mod. bunc, with tde bath, kitchen, stall for JH.050.

Nr. cars, shoos. jiu. 24 72. iC.

1 7th-Van S. 4 rm. desirable hdwd. A-l Teriiip. t'all St.

to suit. 4 well plan. with tms f-vpn-, rms 31 ib Ave. nie bath. 100 TB T'oelser, 320 Jiuiah.

IF unable to contact any advertsier in Want Ads, setter 2424 Ask for WANT AO HI REAC $3 500 Mod. 5 ven. nr s. h. SI) 2415.

OV.743!!. 1540 1 1 ave RALRo.V beaut, furn. or uiifur. .1 tike new. own.

leav. OV. 3052. $3,500, Owner sac. mud.

rm. and bkfst. nk. Onen 237 Edna. HE.

Jits. Wet. ti rins. 1311; Kenwood. Key 1105 Oarien.

RA. 0(157. OWNER Irav.nir. Most sac ft rm bungalow. AVpet Portal.

Mo. (MHO. home on 3 lots nr. F. Jr.

College. $3,500. 1 Oeneva Ave. 6 ti lot 3517K; ex. r.

in rear, i-. Haly City. HE. Bonn. iVVNER must poll.

Lev. 3 bedrm. hm. nr. schl.

Rnr. 1.170 loth Av. 14 new hooies, 5.750. FH. 37th and Oianinod terms, ipen path-.

i. nnin-, nttnn. Owner'. er.f, Vt OFI. 4 3K Friday; tor all Sunday edition! up to 5 p.

Saturday. City lranh otCiee, one-half hour earlier; hiast Bay one hour. When rancellnir ads. adprtifpii hnuld retain tanreMailon number given by clerk. Claims without the nurnhpii cannot be runnidered, Cancellation of advertiaements can pot he made until after the adver-tiaement ha appeared onre.

No runnuiK ads caneeled or rhancfd aftpr p. m. lor next day's publication (Oakland 5 p. m.l. No runnn.f eds raneeled after 13 noon Saturday for Sunday's paper or changed alter 5 P.

m. (Oakland. I'l noon). The Examiner assumes no refpon-sihiliiy for error alter the first insertion. Claims for adjustment mut he- reported within neven days after advertiaenienr a ppea rs.

The Kxaminer reaprves the riKht to properly classify all ads. tn delt" objectionable words or to refuse advertisem*nt. LOCAL, RATES (Apply to ad." received from northern California.) One if me. Punduy 4 Or One time, Laily Mi'c Four times, inel. Sunday Situations wanted.

iSpeciHl low raus NATIONAL KATKS; (Apply io ads rpceived from out of Staip and from Bakersficld and snull in California.) 1'er 1-inr Onetime. Sunday vii iMNP. i fi ii.v ni.f JT IS EAS IT TO MAIL YOTTt AT Write uut yemr ad. For eaeh o14 words of averaaa length rount line, multiply by Hie rale. Mail Want Ad with instructions and remittancf to rover.

lo not send stamps. WANT AO MAY UK UBOKREP By telepbnninu SUtter 'll'li. Al fnr an Ad-Taker. She will htip word it to Kive you best results. By askms fr a repreprntative tr call at your nffire or rpsiriencp.

By taking jour ad to any fcxam Iner olfice. MAIN OFFICE "F.vaminer Lobby" Market anil Third Street'. SUitor 3434. Geary Street. 17110.

near Fillmore stock A-itis Pruning- Co. Clement Slreet. 815. near Ninth Avp line. Oabitel Printing Co.

Fillmore Street, 131. near ILvght The Card Shop. 16lh Street. 3107, near Valencia Regal Stationery. 23rd Street.

.1.139, rear Misaion Fred li. Parish. OAKLAND 435 13th St. Tel. TEmplebar 2124 PENINSULA rhone.

Redwood City 20S0. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA OFFICES: Bl' LINO A F. Ra llderma 1400 Rnrlingaiue Ave. Ph. (i37 CAI.ISTOtS A W.

II. Ada ma. I'niled Cigar Store. CAR.MEL Spencer'a ilotis, at I 'a rils CHICO Lillian Loomis. 433 llroatlviay.

I'lione 5,3. El'HKKA Post. Office Nw Standi 0.11 6lll. Phone 55J. FRESNO pin key.

250K Kern. Phone GRASS VM.LEY Wm. Sampson. 120 Mill St. l'hone 110.

HA YWARD Geo, Jiavanaugh, 1340 A St. JlEALOsm lie. Brown-Wolf Onig Siore, .101 West St. Phone 40. LOIR 11.

Van Laiinigham, Lodi Jirng Store, i'liuna P64, Lodl News-Sonunol. L1VERMORE G. V. Mackenzie, 174 South .1. Phone S3.

LOS OATOS H. .1. Crall 21 Santa Cruit. Phone 18. MA ItTlNE.

F. iMe.ioe. 01H Ferry St. Ifil. MERCEI i Louis Schroeder.

17ih and 1. Sts. Phone 796. MOOESTO N'irhol News 10)10 .1 St. Phone Dill.

NTA1N VIEW o. Lion, 40.1 Hope. Phone 258(1. HO ROA.s ILL Alortian Hill Time Phone 013. NAPA Napa News ARency, 103(1 Alain St.

Phone U0. OROVILLE E. L'. Koiiy. 13.10 Myers St.

l'hone 1S7. PACIFIC CROVK lieverly Stewa SS3 RavMow Ave. TAI.O ALTO John Frenrel, 4'UI Tnivorsitv Ae Phone 0337. rETALIMA Hairy F. 201 Ho yard.

Petaluma Argus Courier, 15o Mam Si. Phone 51. riTTSRURU W. E. Regal lirm? Store, l'hone 2tl.

(1. W. tllendennuig. Los Mendanoa Holel. REDOING Marshall pp.

Coltlen Eagle Ctgar Siore. KEl'WOOD CITY II. F. crowt. 830 Itrewster.

Phone 45S. RENO Sol Savilt 14.1 W. Third St. H'HMOND AL Heady 11114 tlo'tald Ave. hoop 0f.

SACRAMENTO W. C. Spangler News Agency. 1327 Sth St. l'hone (Jap S3O0.

cirivia hlM News Agcnc 307 Alain St. l'hone ,07. Salinas Independent, 231 Salinas St. Phone 101ft. SAN Bit NO Louis Facchino, 217 Linden.

Phone SAN JOSE Curtis Lin.lssv 77 So. 1st St. RAllard 2055. PAN RAFAEL John Bhcllc, 1005 Foil St. SAN'H CRI Santa Cms News 20 Walnut St.

phone 340. JZZ' 414 First St. Phone 31130 PEI1ASTOPOT. W. S.

Rorba. 35 SONOMA Portway News Stand. T'hone S50. STOCKTON Tanl Quevillon. 54 E.

Minor Ave, Phone 54 i racy 103 Central. Phone 8 UK I AH E. W. Cox. Huh Cigar Store.

Phone 4717 VACAVILLE C. Chamberlain VALLEJO P. Rrown UNFURNISHtD Tk East ot Van Ness' KS VP POLK. TMH, marine view. Orppn OOHS.

OK. $27.50 llMle. 14 (W 5 rm. ciniside new stove and water heater ledecni-ated, hardwood floors. $.12.60 4 spacious, outside rms.

Circ. wlr nvariue view. 127 5 Jackson. cor. Lea n.

Leaven tirtli 14. 1H From 4 sim. hot wir Frig. Nr. cars.

newly deooraieii sunny rooms; vw. 3 Leavenworlti (0; Van Ness. "'J50; new. dec. motl.

tile bath, kitoh. RA. 14(01. 4 jtid Polk, C5S0--Sunny, modern garden, Frig, -ARKIN, 1004 4. 5 I ven.

elev. I -Newly ren. 4 rras. with etm. ht.

1 545 Hacramf nio. 1 5 11.14 at larKe npwly Taylor 4 pi in. heat. Nub Hill rolnnial apt, 4 licht. Kiinny rms.

Ftpam ht. Shower, iris. Npw dp'or. 1 1 U'l kt'in. $50 4 K'p.

rooms; marine vttw; 2 Irp. rlospts, wall na, sira. ptovp; tiar. rhpymut. $50 Washington, 1 Mtl, nr.

5 OKd. iS5lo. $60 MARIME VIEW NpwIv dptoraiPd rnnm ananmpnL hotnp. frame blriK. Klpvaior.

Amidst snnMis and ft'tni-iams; npar Fhi.otin-r disirirl. Two carlinps. (laraji optional, i.iio-i;;oo (iUKKN W'l rnr. 5 opp, park, view. Bydp; jjiinny 'I PiNK, Burse, sunny -4 ifw.

fk-'at or. t. t. tnyp. Tri g.

SACRAMENTO, 1750, 2-3-4. sun. nw. Van Npf-K. IF YOU ar hom*o hunting and th landlord is out when you call, have th Want Atl Service Bureau make your appointment.

BO. 3434 I 6-RM. furn. or unfurn. apt.

wilh roof garden and eounyard. Avail May 17. Ph ORd. 7H1H for appointment. (L) -West of Van Ness .1 Oak Compl.

f-invp, lino. RHt'lmp, red pc. n-t r. me i BoAtuy, 3 54- Li rm. mod.

cin. iinvp, wall bed, fihwr. lath, poreh. Or fi. a pis Oak St, stm lit.

snn. 2-3-4 nn. Frigidnlre, rem 3 Alirac. snn. quiet 3 rm.

apt. Re-' di (airier service; mod. conrreie bldg. Civic Center lop. Also 3 r.

apt. $32 Fullon. 1850 Attrac. 3 rm. steam heat.

hut water. A shbury, n. ninny, larue 4 fteam, pas incl. Steiner, 117 New 3 t. stove, tile bath, Fhowpr.

1300 Baoific firpplc, pumy. 2 rm. snid. pewly Opc. -Pae, 7IMJ Sunny 4 stm.

kit. furn. JO Sun. dinei, sep. t.

t. stovo, pt. nrj buseji, rars, shops. I'M Sacto. $40 Sunny gpa ious 1 rms.

Sfes m. rpfril. shwr. IP''5 Van Ness J40 Franklin, sim. fljia.

I4.K; 3-4 rlospts. OR. $42.50 SACK A FNl 2011. neari -i iv i it Kifi nfui. nnii wall bed.

rtm ip. 550 UP frt, racramenm. 1930 Choice 4 and trkfn. elev. 5 sun.

sua -ious II rom-ple'e iutue (kFem, slipple 'R'ls. hot wtr. jne. w. cor.

OM.f. jn(. 4. ppacious sun, ma rine view; Sfrv. Nr.

cars, hop.Also 1 rms. 800 Buf hsnan, S05 CP Sacianiento, 21M5. cor. l.a- gurtSpaf'ioiis sunny fi clcv, ty45 Top, mod. 4 vm.

ant, itnn. e'evator: gar. 5 p'cp. in Sea murine liff. 05 lOth 4-100 IT 5 ROfOlS, BATHS nz Clay BjtiHfu1 v-ew luxe h'dg.

V'l-epi taired'at reilings. canvas wt. sV eip'-trir. tnclud in rental. FEKV.K F.I.EVA'!'.

OOOKSHV. BROADWAY, im ton Eur CALIFORNIA. 1015-rrn. 2 baihs I STvl. e.

Will Beaut, ot front 6 aaiaeo In soil. 15. tor. Lagsina-Jtikl. Allen Arnns Apts.

to; I AtnvE 1 ajlyher. it. SUV prne. se these rhn't 3 room sots. I i I I Jl years old; suam beat.

Rustic home, fitgeialion. Income $300 nio Vorvi Rrnadway, shopptnir eh. -tin st 17.50O. Orrrtsh FN. Ofis'l 13 auto, beat, privaia baths; income Always lull.

Prtte I 3 3 5 0 ijl mt, FL 1 .1110. Vi F.STEIt.N AO, 5 min. to dlrTl- ti steam heated. Price $11 500 altt it 3.15.1. $11 Olio 3 flats.

5 and (i rnia, A'ir" E- terms. Oil. IHlfiH. URuKERS Retail locations avTdTin leadTg Calif, rities. Sit, 5770.

LAKE. nr. sceeiiff 4 3-im. apts. .1 700; ha I.

hank rote. SK. 2 NICE flals, heal. Inc. mo, Other Jiropiy.

RA. it. Id SCHOOL Store, csmtc. t.tbaeco; 3 rm art 5 rm. flat.

010-012 Hth Ave 340 Ceorg's St. I'hen. WATSON Vll.I.E Rohtnvor, 477 Main SI l'miniAn T. trii STIf 1 854 2 Oars. 5 lot 5: 'l 7 00.


The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


What happened to the San Francisco examiner? ›

Once self-dubbed the "Monarch of the Dailies" by then-owner William Randolph Hearst and the flagship of the Hearst chain, the Examiner converted to free distribution early in the 21st century and is owned by Clint Reilly Communications, which bought the newspaper at the end of 2020 along with the SF Weekly.

Who purchased the San Francisco examiner in 1887? ›

William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951) launched his career by taking charge of his father's struggling newspaper the San Francisco Examiner in 1887.

What is the largest newspaper in San Francisco? ›

The San Francisco Chronicle is the largest newspaper in Northern California, the second largest on the West Coast, and each month reaches over 6 million users across the country.

How do I email the examiner in San Francisco? ›

Please send submissions to

Who was the serial killer of San Francisco? ›

Zodiac Killer: Why sleuths are still obsessed with S.F.'s most notorious serial killer. A San Francisco Police Department wanted bulletin and copies of letters sent to the San Francisco Chronicle by a man who called himself Zodiac, who claimed to have killed 37 people.

What is the longest running newspaper in California? ›

The Mountain Democrat, located in Placerville, CA, is the oldest newspaper in California, boasting continuous publication since 1851. The Mountain Democrat is a local newspaper covering news, sports, and features in El Dorado County.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers. Whilst larger companies - Gannett, Tribune/News Media Group (owned by hedge fund Alden Global Capital), and Lee Enterprises all owned fewer papers in 2022 than in 2020, some regional chains saw increases.

What is the biggest newspaper in the world today? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows

How do you greet an examiner? ›

Greet Politely

“Good morning/afternoon/evening, Examiner.” “Hello, Examiner.” “Nice to meet you, Examiner.” Introduce Yourself: After the greeting, introduce yourself by providing your full name.

How to find out if someone died in San Francisco? ›

The Office of Vital Records is responsible for registering all of the births and deaths that take place within the City and County of San Francisco only. Our office is located at 101 Grove Street, Room 105, directly across from City Hall at the corner of Grove and Polk.

How do I subscribe to the examiner? ›

You can also call 1300 131 095 or email Our team operate between 9am-5pm Mon to Fri AEST.

What happened to the San Francisco Diggers? ›

Many of the Diggers left San Francisco to set up collectives in other states, but vestiges of the Diggers remained. Some of the Diggers formed the Free City News and organized a Free City Planning event in March 1968. As late as 1969 papers issued by the Diggers were still printed.

What happened to the San Francisco Bush man? ›

Gregory Jacobs died February 23, 2014, due to heart failure at the age of 60 years old, whilst Johnson remained active until 2019.

What happened to a striker in San Francisco? ›

Primarily, the workers were protesting the daily “shape-up,” a hiring system that required the longshoremen to line up each morning and ask for work. Late in the evening of May 15, police shot and killed Dickie Parker and John Knudsen, and shot five other strikers.

Why did they remove Driver San Francisco? ›

On 9 December 2016, the game was delisted from online stores and became unavailable for purchase due to license expiry; one online petition is ongoing at to request Ubisoft to make it available again.


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.