The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas (2024)

of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of H. PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 11, 1932 THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD The Valley First First in the Valley of Brownsville SOCIETY Valley Cities County Union Of Young People's Groups Organized Approximately 70 young people, representing Christian Endeavor Societies from several towns of the lower Valley, Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian church. of San Benito, to organize a Willacy-Cameron Bi-County Union. Included in the charter, member list of the organization the Christian Endeavor societies from the Brownsrille Central Christian church; the Presbyterian church in San Benito, Play Given At Institute The final classes of the Christian Culture Institute which has been conducted the past four days for the young people of the First Methodist church by Dr. Sterling Fisher.

pastor and Rev. O. C. Crowe, will be held Thursday eveping at 7:45 o'clock. Classes in evangelism department and church leadership been led by Dr.

Fisher Crowe with 84 large attendance cach evening. Wednesday, A missionary, play concerning work of missionaries in Africa, was presented by the following cast: Iona Ford, Mary Dudley, Mary Lena Hunter, Charles Kemper, Charles Benn, D. Adrian, Clinton Sessoms and Cecil Faw, There were 50 present. Credit certificates will be award. ed for the courses at the Thursday classes.

Previous plans called for a revival for Friday but due to a change in will not be held. It is expected that a total a attendance of over 150 will be noted for the four -day institute. Miss Garner, Known In Valley, To Sing Over Radio Network PHARR, Aug. 11-Nancy Garner, 'Texas' own coloratura soprano is to sing with Paul whiteman's orchesira Sunday, Aug. 14 at six o'clock WJZ network.

Miss Garner, whose stage name WAS Margaret Miller, has visited her sisters, Mrs. Dodge C. Hogan I and Mrs. Karl C. Boysen In Pharr and has many friends in the Valley who will be glad of an opportunity to hear her ain.

Miss Garner has been singing over the N. B. C. tion WEAF in New York for sometime, but this will be her first appearance over the net- work. Miss Garner is a member of two of Texas pioneer families, Garner and Miller, and was reared in Norsicana.

She was sponsored by the Nevin clod of Corsicana, Visitor From San Antonio Is Complimented Miss Katherine Bader entertained at delightful informal party Wednesday afternoon complimenting her houseguest, Miss Elizabeth Swayze of San Antonio. A profusion of lovely summer roses and corona were attractively arranged fern and placed at vantage points about the room. In: the interesting series of games, Miss Swayze was winner of high score prize and Mrs. John Carr Sewell received second score trophy. A dainty refreshment course of ice cream and cake was served to 8 friends of the hostess and honoree.

I PERSONALS Mrs. Milton West 1s spending Thursday in Raymondville with relatives. Miss Elizabeth Swasze of San Antonio is the guest of Miss Kathcrine Bader for several days. Miss Beatrice Machalek was a recent visitor in Port Isabel where she was the guest of Miss Norma Stanford. Brig.

Gen. and Mrs. Samuel D. Rockenbach of Fort Sam Houston are guests this week of MaJ. and Mrs.

Oliver I. Holman of Fort Brown. Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Pattee and daughters Virginia and Dorothy of Port Isabel left Wednesday morning for Monterrey where they intend to remain for a week. CALENDAR FRIDAY Miss Dorothy Crowe, is to be hostess to the Triple Exit club. The Woman's Auxiliary of the V. F.

W. will mect at headquarters on West Elizabeth street at 8 p. m. Deaths from sulcide decreased from 280 in 1930 to 338 in 1931 1: Kentucky while the number of homicides declined. Christian church In Harlingen and the Community church in Rio Hondo.

The meeting was presided over by Herbert King of San Benito, vice-president of the Valley district. A song service was conducted by Jack Mohle of this city. Melvin Rosendahl of Rio Hondo, district president for last year, discussed "What union activity would mean for this end of the and Frank Crabtree Alamo, president of the Valley district, took as lads subject: "Possibilities of Union Activity." Officers were nominated for the new union and these will be elected at the next meeting, Sept. the Christian church at Harlingen. A social hour was enjoyed during which time refreshments were served.

Motoring to San Benito from here were Rev. H. J. Howard, pastor of the Central Christian church, Misses Melba Howard, Velma Parker, Helen Brockley, Dorothy Pearl Street, Ailcen Hanna, Martha Lee Street, Jack Mohle, John Howard, Custer Driver. School of Dance Opened With New Programs Scheduled HARLINGEN, Aug.

Markoleta Elstner Epstein has opened her studio of aance at the same location sne occupied last year. The children are enthusiastic about the program as scheduled, as French, Greek, Russian, as weil as English methods of dancing will be taught. In addition to most mi former pupils there are ten new ones. Adult classes in the evening are well attended. GIRLS PRESENT PROGRAM AT CHURCH The Church of Christ congregation were entertained with a gram presented by 19 girls, ranging in ages from 8 to 17, from the Boles Orphan Home at Greenville.

A picnic dinner at Fair Park after the morning service was served. The group in charge of the minister, is on a going from Harlingen to San Benito. While here, they were entertained at homes of the members of the church. Collections were taken up for the Home. PERSONALS Mrs.

W. R. Carmean left Wednesday for Dailas she will main for an extended visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs.

Sunley Bliss and two little daughters are spending a few days at Boca Chica. Miss Margaret Low, society reporter fcr the Valley Morning Star, spending a month in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Finley Ewing and family are at Del Afar for the month of August.

Mr. and Mrs. Kent Manning have moved to their home at San Benito. Mrs. o.

C. Vinson and daughters. Le Nelle, La Verne, Doris left for De Leon Springs by auto to spend a few weeks with Mrs. Vinson's parents: Miss Helen Trimpe will leave Friday for New York, leaving from Galveston by steamer. On her return trip, she will visit relatives Sidney, for a month.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Shaw have returned to home at Stuart Place after -pending the summer with Mr.

and Brons, parents cf Mrs. Shaw, at Peorla, Ill. Miss Ellen Waldron will be hostess for the Junior Study club at their regular meeting Monday night. Mrs. E.

Verbelle of Houston is 3 guest of Mrs. A. H. Weller. Luncheon For Visitor Today Mrs.

George Toland is entertainIng with a luncheon for guest. Miss Mary Toland of Cosse Thursday at her home at 32 Ebony Drive. KILL MOSQUITOES Spray, BLACK FLAG LIQUID "Here's Work for the Jobless" Men and women unable to work or get work and needing money can get temporary help through The Brownsville Herald fund set aside for solicitation of new subscriptions. HERE IS THE PLAN The Herald will pay 50c for each new six months subscription to the paper. The Jobless man or woman must first call on the circulation department.

There, be or she will be provided with 8 regular printed subscription form. This form must be signed by the subscriber, then returned to The Herald office for verification When properly verifled payment will be made as once. A number have already taken advantage of this offer of help to the unemployed. Many others will thus be aided if they will call at The Herald circulation department. Come in and earn your share of this fund.

Call before 6:30 P. M. This offer is open for all bonafide unemployed men and women. VALLEY FIRE FIGHTERS TO TAKE EXAMS (Special to The Herald) COLLEGE STATION, Aug. Representatives of 12 Lower Rio Grande Valley departments prepared to bring to a close Thursday afternoon their participation in the third annual Texas firemen's short course at A.

M. college here with a written tion covering the seven major top1cs of the firefighting course. 17 From Valley of 8 total of 140 Texas cities sending representatives to the course, 12 were located in the Rio Grande Valley. These departments sen: 17 delegates who with 350 men from the other cities started their intensive study Monday morning. The schooi was conducted in three dally class periods covering more than 11 hours of instruction each day.

Valley firemen and their departments which were registered are AS follows: McAllen--Ear: Ziebel, S. J. Purl, and Brad Smith; Brownsville, J. G. Villareal: San Benito, Clinton L.

Potter and Henry L. Lee; Harlingen, W. J. Winters; Raymondville, Edward Stapleton; La Feria, Harold Hensley: Mercedes, Earl G. Green; Weslaco, E.

E. Saige; Donna, Jesse Norwood and J. C. Selver: Pharr. Henry Derr: Edinburg.

E. Krueger and Oscar Mission, Roy Reed. Some of America's best known! firefighting experts acted as structors during school, including Chief Harry "Smoky" Rogers of Chicago, Chief George Golf of Oklahoma city, Chief E. Dullnig of San Antonio and Chief J. M.

O'- Brien of Fort Worth, Get State Funds The short course, instituted three years ago by officials of Texas A.i M. college, resulted from the quest of the Fifth District association of Texas Firemen's for such school. The Rio Grande Valley departments constitute the Fifth District association. The legislature appropriated its last session chase more of than modern $25,000 equipment for the pure! stationed at A. M.

college for use of the short course instructors. The equipment, consisting of three ern pieces of apparatus, was delirered shortly before the course open-! ed Monday and has been in constant use by those attending the 1 school. TEDDY'S WIDOW BACKS HOOVER OYSTER BAY. N. Aus.

(A'-The widow o. Theodore Roosevelt became an active advocate today of her own injunction to "roll up our sleeves and reelect our president." her daughter and son-In-law, Dr. Mrs. Roosevelt. accompanied by Richard Derby, planned off before noon from Roosevelt Field for Washington to attend the notification and acceptance ceremonies tonight.

Mrs. Roosevelt, wha was 71 old Saturday, held a luncheon yesterday in honor of the 58th anniversary of President Hoover's birth. Three hundred women. members of the Edith Kermit! Roosevelt Republican club, attended and sent to President Hoover a telegram of "congratulations and bes: wishes in deep appreciation of your record of the last four years and of your success in WaS at the it: sathering that Mrs. Roosevelt announced she would make the trip to WashIngton today by plane She will occupy a box with Hoover the ceremonies tonight.

FAVORITE IN TALKIE Tom Mix talks for th efirst time at your Capitol, Brownsville, Friday and Saturday in Rides FARMERS TOLD ABLE TO GAIN INDEPENDENCE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Aug. 11. 4-Edward A. O'Neal, president of the American Farm Federation B11- reau, in on address prepared for delivery today, said that through strong organization, the farmers could benefit of recent advances in grain prices, could gain economic; independence and could make congress listen to their pleas.

In his address he denounced the proposed formation of 3 000 wheat pool by Arthur W. Cutten. whom O'Neal described as Canadian adventurer and Chicago! 1 board of trade operator." Cutten has denied doubt if connection of with Cutten's such a "I any pectiva profits will ever reach the pockets of an Iowa farmer, or any farmer elsewhere in the United O'Neal declared. 15 one way. however, by which farmers can get some of: Cutten's protit*, 1.1: way leads through the co-operative marketin associations, against the grain trade has been directing is; poison propaganda campalgn." Cutt2n's proposal, the president: continued, emphasized need of! agriculture for strong organization: close co-operation which will.

enable farmers to "ace a fair price for the products of their toil and to control 100 per cent of the thinks! they produce. Woman Senator's Lead Increasing LITTLE ROCK. Ang. 11. 4P.

-Arkansas, the only state ever to! elect woman renator, has voted overwhelmingly to let her do some more low making. Returns from 1,756 to 2.100 pre- cinsts placed Sen. W. Caraway far in the lead of her six male opponents for the democratic nom-! ination, considered equivalent to! cloction :11 shis state, She led 2:0: opponent. Moj.

O. L. Bodenhamer of Eidorado. former National American Logion commander. The number live duck decoys tha: can be locally used anywhere in the United States is limited to 25.

Today's Radio Features THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 (Centra! Programs subject to change. P. (Note--All programs to key and basic Bed: coast to coas: it to c) designation (59 The Associcted Press) N6C-WEAF NETWORK BASIC East: weal (key; treel wile war 9 wine resh wit whit witr wre Midwest: wAY wen weao wtam ww) waal: wag well kid woc-who wow wdal NORTHWEST CANADIAN m) wida webe wday kier chew wis efet SOUTH wrva wwne wing wiod wam wme want w.dI kroo why wfaa wbap kpre MOUNTAIN- ks! kg: All kew PACIFIC COAST komo kha kpo kera kex kir Asa kisd ktar kgu Cent. East. Radio Review 2:00 3:00 Musical Comedy Hits 3.

Instrumental Lady Next Door 3:40 4:00 Scott. -Also 4:15 south 4:00 Music- Aiso coast Harp Recital 4:45 5:45 June Pursell- const Doer's Saxophones Perkins. Comedy The Goldbergs, Sketch Vallee to 7:00 8:00 N. Y. Orchestra--c to Concert Orchestra Dance Hour-: to 9:0010:00 To Ba Announced Paul Whiteman's Gerun Band Or.

Ralph Kirbery: 10:3011:30 Dick Gasperre Orchestra CBS-WABC NETWORK BASIC CHAIN East: wabc (key) wade woke veno waab wnan we: wkbr wkre whk ckok wdre wean wip-wian was wean witl wapd wmal: Midwest: whbm wen wibin kinhe weco amox EAST AND CANADIAN IDE wph wihw whee nibz wiea wore efib ckac DIXIE west wisa wore wht wdod kncx kira wree wine wesu mice kria tr kith ktsa waco kit wqam rdbo wdne whas wta: wilbj wfiw wwva MIDWEST wbern webt weah wmbd wtaq wkSh kfab wisn ksci widw wmt wax wkhn MOUNTAIN klz koh kdsl PACIFIC COAST khj knx koin kab ktre kol kfpy kv! kern krd Atta kwE Cent. East. Orch. -c to Band- to by east Sea-e to 3:30 only: Be. tween the Bookends-west 3:45 Piano to 5:00 -Happy.

Time--Also mt. out $:30 Miller Orchestra east: Skippy- repeat 4:45 5:45 -Christian out Ike--coast out out Gary--coast out Social Club Entertained Wednesday Mrs. George Bowman was hostess Wednesday afternoon at a most ing members and guests of the El delightful hospitality, complimentJardin Heights Social club. Summer blossoms adorned the entertainment rooms and after 8 short business session, current events of Interest to the women, were discussed. The hostess had arranged guessing contest for the diversion of her guests, 'was which Mrs.

Clarence Dreasher winner of first the late afternoon hours ten prize. An ice course was served, in members and two guests, Mrs. Driver, the hostess' mother, and Mrs. Phillips of Los Fresnos. In two weeks the club will have as hostess Mrs.

Louis De Pricilla Club Of Mission Is Complimented MISSION. Aug. J. Yewell entertained the Priscilla sewIng club at her home on West 13th Friday, with a number of out club guests as well as members. Mrs.

A. H. Strahle is the president. call topics were "original Mrs. C.

D. Eppright was judged the best. Mesdames Roberts. Russell Howarth. Redd, Jas, Tripson and E.

Dorsett were guests. Mrs. Roger Ray, low. VISITOR NAMED HONOR GUEST NEW WORK IS OUTLNED The Presbyterian Auxiliary met at, the home of Mrs. J.

H. Lehman. the president, Thursday afternoon. Plans for the coming and winter work were made. Mesdames L.

H. Smith, LeLachuer, E. B. Balthrope, Strahle were among the officers E. M.

Henry, Pever and A. H. present. HOSTS FRIDAY TO Mr. and O.

Brown were BRIDGE CLUB hosts to the Friday Nite dinner bridge sonnel. Mrs. J. V. Murphy and Col.

club with a four-table perS. M. Duffle were scorers, Mrs. K. H.

Rankin and W. R. Parrish low's. Guests were Messrs. and Mesdames A.

C. Groce, J. v. Murphy, and Mrs. George Smith.

Mrs. R. C. I Adams an dMrs. S.

L. Hardin and Miss Lavinia Bourgeios. MISS YOAKUM The Girls' Bridge club met with ENTERTAINS CLUB Miss Elizabeth Yoakum at the home of her parents south of Thursday evening with two tables. Miss Angle Stroud, Miss Flossie son, Mrs. W.

B. Lauder and Mrs. Roger Ray were out of club guests. Miss Garrison won high score and Miss Loucille Langham entertained a bevy her of young Mr. friends and at Mrs.

the home of parents. T. L. Langham Friday evening with bridge and dominoes. Four tables of players were present.

Miss Clara Steams of Taylor honored guest. The personnel included: Misses Stearns. Artemicin Martin, Mary Bea Tiller. Charlotte Lissner, i tha McCurdy, Charlotte Gill, Myrtle Bess Rome, Mary Lee Rascoe, Annabell Keeling, Jennie Page, Eileen ger. Taylor.

Zeda Dorsett, Fine, Claudia NewAlice Killinbrough and Virginia McKinney, the latter of San Antonio. MRS. ADAMS COMPLIMENTED Complimentary to Mrs. R. Adams, sister and houseguest H.

Rankin, with Mrs. John after- P. Waite entertained an noon of bridge Friday. The guests Included: Mesdames Joe and Mar-tin Price, Ewers, J. F.

H. Ewers, Rankin, Kyle W. Adkins, R. Parrish. T.

A. Humason, G. PlyF. H. ler.

E. W. Gray, R. honorce. J.

Mrs. Rome. Huma- T. Wood and the son won high score. Party Is Given For Visitors Miss Margarita Blanca Aguirre was hostess Monday at an informal party complimenting Mrs.

Ernesto Gonzales and Miss Aurora Verduch*e of Laredo and Miss Alicia Chaps of San Antonio, guest Mr. and Mrs. Ygnacio Garza. Others making up the guest list were Miss Rosa and Lucha Garza. Theresa champion, Cella Sobrino and Lucia Perez.

Mrs. Gonzales and Miss Verducho returned to their homes In Laredo Wednesday morning, Movie Sidelights CAPITOL Bellowing pistols, cracking whips. wild riding--the roaring West turned inside out in a whirlwind of screen action. That is the sort of tidal wave of movie excitement upon which the great cowboy star. Tom Mix.

comes 1 back to the screen. "Destry Rides Again" is the title of the highly exciting film and it will show at the Capitol Theatre on Friday and Saturday. Mix is superb in his newest role and he scems destined to bring back to motion pictures the stick of dynamite film action that they need so badly. The pictorial excellence of the' picture Is greatly enhanced by one of the prettiest leading ladies in Hollywood -bionde Claudia Dell and the Texas beauty distinguished herself In Ziegfeld's Follies before screendom claimed her. Holds False Teeth Tightly All Day Long Fasteeth.

A new improved pordes keeps plates from dropping or slipping. No gummy, pasty feeling. Sweetens breath. Gives real teeth comfort all day. Praised by people and dentists everywhere.

Avoid worry. Get Fasteeth at International Drug Co, or your Scavenger Party For House Guests LAREDO, Aug. Rosita Leyendecker was hostess at Laredo society's first scavenger party neid Monday evening at 7 o'clock at the St. of-town Anthony visitor, farm honoring an out- KoSophie walski of Brownsville, who was presented with 8 guest prize. Miss Kowalski is the guest of Miss Dora Martin.

On their arrival at the farm, the guests were told that they must turn scorengers, and were given a Mist of articles to tring back to the farm. This list included a green orange. a strand hair from horse's tail 3 white oleander blossom, an old shoe with a hole in a man's old garter, large safety pins, 3 chicker feather. Cigarettes and vanitics were given as prizes to those who first returned with their spoils, and these were awarded so Misses Mary Ernestine and Dorothy Stelskl and Messrs. 'Rique Flato and Willis Leyendecker.

A swim was next enjoyed, and after it a picnic supper was served on long table placed under a shed which was strung with electric lights. Another contest was held during evening, which cousisted of walking wh'e fully clothed, across! placed across the swimming pool, Alter several disastrous attempts by other guests, Edward Longoria succeeded in walking the bar and won a prize. The group chaperoned by the brother and sister-in-law of the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Peter P.

Leyendecker, Mrs. Edward Leyen-1 decker and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis About 40 guests were present. Musical Program To Be Sponsored By Harlingen Club HARLINGEN, Aug.

The Club Iris of this city is sponsoring a -wide revue at the Municipa! auditorium at 8 p. m. Sunday. Aug. 14 to which everyone Valley is Invited.

Local talent, recording artists from San Antonio and Mrs. Garrido from Mexico City, who will sing and dance, are scheduled to appear on the program which has been arranged. Reduced 30 Pounds Never Felt Better Safe Way To Lose Fat Take the case of Miss Madelone Crowley, for instance, who lives in Little Rock, Ark. Just read her letter: "I have used Kruschen Salts for one year-when I started I weighed 140 pounds-now I weigh 110 pounds and never felt better in my life." That's the big reason A host of men and women take Kruschen to lose weight--as the fat goes you gain in health--skin clearseyes grow bright-activity replaces indolence. Take one-hal! teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast cut down on fatty meats, potatoes and sweets--a jar of Kruschen that costs but a trifle lasts 4 weeksget it at Cisneros Drug Stores, or any drugstore in the -but for your health's sake demand and get Kruschen Salts.

Mrs. Franklin Of Georgia Visit In Valley Texan Charged In Farmer's Slaying WACO. Aug. 11. (7)-Mather McLendon, 35, was sought on a charge of murder today after the fatal shocting of M.

G. Massingill, 50- year-old farmer, Massingill killed as be slept at his home seven miles southwest of Gates yesterday. McLendon. his wile and his two small children had been living with Massingill. OIL OUTPUT CUT ORDERED AUSTIN, Aug.

11. (P)-State oil and gas conservation officers were under orders today to place the wells of the Danciger Oll and Refining in Gray, Carson and Hutchinson countles under state proration. A rallroad commission order, signed yesterday by all three mem- bers, ordered that Danciger's wells produce no more than their ratable share of the 53,000 barrel top allovable for the Panhandle field. Danciger's wells and their offsets had been exempt from state tion under an agreement made by the commission in February, 1931.1 following a court action Instituted by Danciger challenging the authority of the state to prorate production. The order was written by Commissioner Ernest O.

Thompson and accompanied by an opinion bas- ed on a hearing he held at Pampa. The opinion stated that full production. from the Dancizer and offwells constituted waste as fined in the naw conservation statute and that the agreement en-: tered into by the commission could no: prevent issuance of orders to prevent wasteful conditions. Other perators had protested: that Danciger and the offset wells i field were allowable producing nearly one-hait the under the exemption agreement that this figure would be raised when additional exempt wells were completed. STERLING WILL WIN, FORESEEN Re-election Pres.

Hoover and the nomination Gov. Ross Sterling over Mirian: Ferguson as the democratic gubernatorial candidate forecast Wednesday by E. W. Archer, ploneer Rio Grande Valley merchant who in 1928 forecast Tex-! as' swing to Hoover over Al SmithArcher, who was returning 3 trade convention in Dallas to his home in Lyford, forecast Pres. Hoover's re-election on purely economic reasons.

people are anticipating his re-electien because of the August lucrease in business activittes and markets which increase will amount through November to the point where it will insure the president's re-election, Ar-! cher believes. onomic issues will take preference to the issue and the 18th amendment will never be removed from the stitution, he sald. "We are in the same condition AS of 1890 when McKinley was elected over Bryan," he said. "At that time countless people were out of employment. Coxey's army was rampant and many conditions were similar to those existant now.

But 3 marked upward trend in business brought about McKinley's election." Archer believes this is the regulated depression this country bas ever experienced because there has been 110 serious show of mob violence, and he predicted that prosperity will be restored in an orderly way as It was In 1892. He bedevas the depression hit rock bottom this summer and that the upward trend will be continuous from now on. We may return to and 12-cent cotton by next year. there will be further adjustment of salaries of high decline officials and sibly further in the ment and automobile market but generally things will progress steadily, he thinks. Archer el'eves tha: Sterling will be nominated over Mrs.

Ferguson: bu: in the event that he Is not, he believes enough Democrats will vote the republican ticket to elect a republican gov' nor. Texas for that matter could be bettered no other way than to become A two-party state, he aid. Archer is a former newspaper owner and publisher. He owned and published three papers in Ohio before he went into the merchandise business in the Rio Grande Valley. He has been in business there for years, McALLEN, Aug.

Herbert Mitchell Franklin of Georgia, will arrive Sunday for a visit of sereral weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Conrad 1 itsch in McAllen. Mrs. Franklin is honorary state regent for life of the Georgia D. A.

national vice chairman. of the Manual for Immigrants Committoe, past state provident of the Georgia U. D. C. and is state poet laureate of the same She is also a trustec of the Hop' for Confederate Veterans in Atlant GA, She has visited this section soycral times during the past few veals and has written a series of articies about the Rio Grande Valley for eastern newspapers.

Miss Clara Bellinghauser Is tho guest in Port Isabel of Miss Bernice La Roche who Is spending the summer there with her father. Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification the System 15 Nature's Foundation of Pertect Realth." Why not rid yourself ot chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by taking thor. ough course of or twice a week for and see how Nature rewards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by activating the liver. kidneys.

stomsch and bowcis. Trial package, 10. cts Family package. 35 cts. All Spanish-American Beauty Shops Featuring $1.95 Steam-Oil Permanent Ask those who have had one Come with your hair clean No.

1, 506 141h, Brownsrille No. 2, 504 15th, McAllen No. 3, Travelers Hotel, Harlingen Moving Packing Transfer Storage Fidelity Bonded Warehouse and Storage Co. Los Ebanos Addition--Phone 1030 Low MidRates For Cottages at DEL MAR by the SEA Enjoy the sea breezes In A comfortable cottage at small expense. DEL MAR.

Inc. and Eastern Standard Tine) M. (Daylight time one hour chain or groups there! unless Includes all available stations.) Cent. East. 6:45 Geergie Price Casie: Vincent Sorcy's Orchestra--Dixie C.

Hill-: to Lyman OrchestraThe Captivates Dixie: Arlie Simmond's 6.45 Palooka -coast out a Nights-cust: Dance--west Columbians-c to Bros. -Baste: Har. McCarty -W 7:30 8:30 Drama Easic: Col. Orchestra- to Bucd-Dixie: Dance 4 Freight--Also Dixie 8:30 9:30 Ishim Jones' Orches.P:00-10:00-Little Jack Little- to Nelson's Orches.Haste: Jce Palooka-coust repeat Symphony--C 10 Sissie Orch. to 0 by Sea coast cut: Crime coast repent Dance Hour-wabe only NBC- WIZ NETWORK BASIC CHAIN- -East: wiz (key) wbzwhat weal wham kdka gar wir win: Midwest: wcky kyw k1k3 Wear kui: koll wren wma0 NORTHWEST CANADIAN wtm) triba katp webe way kfy: cksw cict SOUTH wrva a pit wwne wis w11x wila-wrun wied wam wme wapl widx wemb kroo wky wla3 wbap kpre weal kids Arks kal keir kchl PACIFIC COAST kR0 kfi kom.c khq keca kjr kea kisd ktar Cent.

East. Also 1:15 3:00 The Navy Band--c to 4:45 Orphan Annie only Lady-cast can only Black's Orchestra 4:25 by John B. Kennedy Songs of the Church Thomas east: Orphan Annie-midwest repeat Andy capti Singing Lady-midwest repeat. Boys to Tencr Regimentalists' Chorus 6:15 -Rin Tin Tin. Draina 6:30 Goldman Band Concert Fighters, Drama Thompkins -C to Country Doctor 6:15 Jack Smith 8:30 Matrimony, Skit 9:45 Jane Freman's Band 9:00 Pickens Sisters Basie: Amos 'n' Andy--Repeat for west Concert Orchestra Morse Orchestra Benny Kyte's Orchestra The WHOLE in the Family's Interested WAN MOTHER wants to find someone to help her with the housework.

Dad's interested in finding some property on the Lake to make a vacation headquarters for nest year and the children are looking for used radio which they hare been promised they can have for their very own in the nursery. They'll find what they want in The Herald Want-Ads but they'll be looking for something else tomorrow. THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD -ADS.

The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas (2024)


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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.