Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

D-l Help Wanted D-l Help Wanted D-l Help Wanted D-l THE HARTFORD COURANT: Wexlnfmkry, Octobe 29, 19M C2 1 Help Wanted D-l i Help Wanted D-l Help Wanted D-l; Help Wanted D-l iHelp Wanted D-l HejpJanted Help Wanted D-l PRESS PERSON Experienced i run i imii 11 antwi I PART TIME East Htfd I firm RECEPTIONIST Immediate MECHANIC wanted lull Him OFF-SET STRIPPER 4C pre MOPTOA9E Secendery (Mar- RESTAURANT Now taking ap DMR REGION 5 ROUTi DisreisuTioN experience preferred but not necessary. Flaxlbla hours. Closed Sunday 4 Monday. Call 52M013 for construction company. Call betveen tarn 4 5pm, 344-1 anticipates openings In a re- to run iixti Homaaa wr future edvancament to Multicolor.

4 day week, deys. Excellent benefits and working conditions. Hull Printing Co 235-7967 or 247-0061. Located in Merlden CT. plications ror vxw' Saytlme bus staff.

Cell Spen-eer't, 247-0400, ask for Kaiy- Vocational school It looking for neat, eggresslve, outgoing Individuals with reliable transpor searcn-oaseo special nving nr neeas poop -articulate voices to work to 4 Set. morn, Ho experience necessary, potenlal Meernlngt to $hr. Call 29-0100. cast strippers capable of oo-Ing high quality work are neededfor a growing company In East Hartford. years experience a must.

Call Jerry at 520-3737 to arrange an PART TIME South Windsor MECHANIC WAHTID Small en- pert time weexeno oovniny skilled nurtlng facility for mature indlvldues to handle busy phone. Light typing and filing: For Interview epply In person or cell Klmbtrly Hall Nursing Home, 1 Klmber Drive, Windsor CT. 6044441 -EOE ketlng Cler Diversified, en-try lovol! position Immodlataly availablo for dependable: organliad parson. Qualified candidates mutt typo wpm. Excellent benefits.

For confldontlal Interview, contact Kathy Kupoc at 727-5909. Society Mortgage Cereere-tlea, 1290 Silas Deane Hlgh- ntlon in Moaison re wore, wiin challenging Individual. One veer experience needed. Full and part time positions avail- Ci chain taw mochanlc. Ith plan, paid paid holidays.

Waltar M. PRINTERS Pin Printers, 291 tation to aistrioute oaverrisinf literature. No tales. Eern S30O plus per week. For eppolntmenl cell 149 MM.

PART TIME Evenings e-lOpm. East Hartford mfg. shop wholesaler seeks individual for order dept. Duties include taking orders over the telephone and entering into'deta terminal. Hours 1-Spm.

Rata: 5 per hour. 2W-606), ext. 24. RETAIL SALES PART TIME Simmons 4 Sons, East Gran-1 OIL BURNER SERVICE MAN- py, oaj-pjj. RECEPTIONIST Small compa needs workers wim knowledge of hend tools for production work.

289-7901 ROUTE SALES PERSON Die supervising $771.61 biweekly and MR Worker 2, 1676.41 biweekly. Send resume end letter of Inquiry to Dr. T. Pelsey, DMR Region 5, New MEDICAL ASSISTANT Watt Main st, Miaaietown is iook-Ing for a pressbindery trainee. Must be reliable 4 willing to leern.

Some experience helpful. Apply In person, 9am-5pm PRINTING way, wotnorsrioig. cue. PART TIME Typesetter Man't clothing andor sportswear salesperson. i Pollack In West Htfd Center.

Flexible hours, employee discount. Call XU46SI. una. cantor Doctor Office, ttart tlma and full time oosl- PART TIME evenings 4 week- Experienced person to service tupermerket chelns with non MOVERS WANTED Only poo-1 jAecK wan orgenizeo, eoie to handle estimates, customer contact 4 all function! of managelng a 4 man residential service dept. Apply: Trlano OH Co, 777 Enfield St, Enfield.

74S4321 tons availablo. ExDorlence file mat nava worxoo ror mov- I no companies apply. Adml-1 Haven ttnwr, New Hovon, CT 06515. Ex-cellent benefits. EOE.

part. Mall ratunw to Courant Trainee vol input, waara an expending publishing firm and will train someone who enloys typing, but wants mora challenge. If you can type accurately, we will teach vou on TOOO items, company venicw supplied, lull benefits, excellent-, Inrome ootentlal. Electro PtSS- ny teoxt personaoie inuivie-ual with pleasant, cleer speaking voice. Typing, filing skills end some computer experience a plus.

Will consider reining right Individual. Apply In person. The E.A. Patten Company, 303 Wetherell St, Manchester, CT, 9am-4pm, rai Maying wsrorogo, xot-eu i I pox ojaawi Htto. ct.

gens. PART TIME EVENINGS DUALITY ANALYST I tic Inc. 201-509-2525, ask for MEDICAL ASSISTANT for OB NAIL TECHNICIAN for busy sa OIL BURNER TECHNICIAN na or sens resume to: anr. revi Mil Q-9050. EM experience, read prints, dimensioning 4 de We presently heve two positions available In our Telemarketing our new typesetting equipment.

Part time days, Wednesdav-Frldav lam-5om. GYN. Experience preferred or will train. Ploasant working environment. 30 hrswk to tail parts.

to Haven Ave, Mllford. 077-9464 Stelnhert, 47 Acton t. worces- for MA 01604. ,1 SALADSANDWICH PERSON i- 649-2051. wn.

Clientele nor necessary but professionalism Is a must. Good benefits In a pleasant atmosphere. For Interview call Contours, 241-0340 Full lima yeorrounu. must have residential license. Good pay, company benefits and retirement'.

plan. Apply at Trlano Oil 777 Enfield St, Enfield CT. 745-0321 sterr. s.on rii-tvM. I QUALITY Control desire Indl- Department, expenantaw nwm, only apply.

Good bate pay plus commission. If Interested call 566-7088, after 5 p.m. ask for Marie. RETAIL SALESPERSON Strong art background etsentler. Full time only.

Benefits. Em- Rloyee discount, Koenlg Art, lest Hartford Canter. 72S- 3406(7). RETAIL SALESPERSON for large New Englend food broker to cover stores In your erea. Car allowance and lull Hours can be flexible for day shift.

Part time nights, Wednesday 4 Thursday, 5-11pm, Airport Road area. Call NAIL TECHNICIAN seeking an Bonusotterea. ruuftmeoeya, good starting benefits. Insurance, uniforms. Cell for detalit, 717-3009.

RECEPTIONISTTYPIST Requires pleesant telephone personality and good typing skills, individual should be welt orgenlied and familiar with general office routine. We offer Amatltlve salarybenefits VIOUOI Wlin iv yvai vhw- ence to manage Quality Control Department In medium slie defense oriented machine shop located In Greater 271-3600 for Interview. PART TIME a a a I PART TIME van driver to experienced Nan Tecnnician who would like to work In unique professional environment. Experience a must. Please call Rose, 477-8536.

XUhLLtIM I Duo to oxponslon, MILLER-JOHNSON, located In Merlden has Immediate openings for the following positions: -Experienced sheetfed 4C pressperson capable of running high quality work on 40" -Pressroom helpersfeeder operators, experience preferred but not required. Up to S5.50hr to start. -Experienced mechanical and paste-up person needed In art department. Candidate will also be teeming lob entry and production planning. Excellent benefits and working conditions.

Wages for ell positions commensurate with experience. rn it.U2a for further infor SALES Aggressive marketing transport elderly, izv hours a waok afternoons Mon-Frl. tuna, a hiuu una rHum and pleesant working environ OIL HEATING Service Technicians. Local fuel oil company sacking licensed persons for permanent positions. Excellent hourly rate and NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ment.

Cell tea-inn tor appt Mon-Frl, 9am-4pm. Must havo good driving re-1 cord and enloy with the elderly. St. Mary Home, 291 Steele SUPER INCOME $10.00 PER HOUR 9AM-1PM or 1-5PM to: Courant Box 0741SM Htfd. Ct.

06115 RETAIL Woman' Wear Store opening In Wett Hftd. Immediate openlngi for ttore manager, asst. manager, cashiers, sales personnel. Call CO. teexs expeneocew person to expand our proven products Into the Hartford market.

Earn high Immediate Income by telling to en ell referral lead Hit. Earn SJ0J- a week. Cell 413-701-e6r and apply for the lastposltlori- benem package in- i west mto, imt-iym. ORGANIZATION It looking for qualified Indlvldal to serve at representative In the Mlddletown, CT area. Part tlma oooortunlfv.

Minimum MEDICAL CODERS PART TIME WAITERSWAI-I Hantoro area, must nave Krior knowledge of Inspec-n, manufacturing and machining procedures together with Initiative to assume responsibility. Apply at L.M. Gill Welding and Manufacturing, 1422 Tolland Manchester, CT. RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIST eludes profit sharing I plen, company paid I I medical oian and much I WOLF COLOR tRArmia 111 Holmes Rd. Newington CT 06111 RECEPTIONIST tresses Experiences co*ck- i B.A.

degree, teaching experi I One of CT't leading advertising firms Is looking for several mature Individuals who need to more, can ai lwvis ror 633-1791 and leave message. you will ever need. toe. tails. Apply in person, Mon-Frl, Louis's Restaurant, let Oakwood ence, euministretive skim and ability to teach verbal I personal inrerview, 727-0015.

E3 a a I supp omen? ineir preteni in-I Smes. Call 563-HH Ave, west Htta. SALES TYPIST 1 year experience. Must have good phone part TIME Warehouse non- Part Time OIL TRUCK DRIVERS Full 4 Part time position availablo every other Friday 4 Saturday. smoker neeaeo on regular oasis.

Apply 12S McKee East andor math sections of SATPSAT prep course. Responsibilities alto Include public relations and student recruitment. Apply In writing only to: SHKEC 14 Oak-wood Ave, West Hartford, CT 061 1. skllls4beabletolnter- face with people. Free narrforo.

mation, or apply In person at MILLER-JOHNSON, INC. 474 Pratt Street Merlden, Ct. 06450 All Inquiries held confidential! 4pm-umianignr. ror vkii enced registered RT. Prior experience in trauma radiology desirable.

Perdlem hrs also PART TIME Warehouse. Gen-1 oral warehouse duties. Apply I rKttLANUt KtlAL DISPLAY PERSON needed. 4 weeks only, beolnnlng November 1st. Call Joel or Donna at 224-6140.

PART TIME Freight Loader. parking, salary neoo-liable. Call Ann, NINE TO FIVE PERSON-J NEL, 270-7092. Tolland East Hartford. I Jr.WMII 10 people experienced inH part time, eooa pay conipe-Sy benefits.

Asalv: Trlano Co, 777 Enlleld St, Enfield. 745-0321 OPENING FOR Precision Ruesch Slitter Operator with minimum of 4 years experience. Relocate to Dallas, Texas. 1-O0O-O24-5252. NISHT ATTENDANTS 121.

520-W54. PRINTING Expanding Web off available, salary memoes: iv evening 4 11 weekend differentials. To arrange an Immediate Interview, please call Tom PART TIME WAREHOUSE Af ATTENTION SALESSALES MGMT CAREERS benefits A superior product ever-expadlag market fine reputetlea cms the natleo exewthpe-tantlal nurses needed for per diem home visits In I Greeter Hartford area. II Enloy flexible work schedule with excellent visit reimbursem*nt. Cell Lynn Bonee, RN, MEDICAL PERSON-H NEL POOL.

677-0005. iRN, 11-7 full time. (3 nights as relief super- visor). Paid meal time, free meals, good work-11 Ing conditions. Hup hot II Convalescent, 29 High-1 tend SK w.

Htfd. Mrs. larlcer, 236-5621 set printer nos severei open-inni for evoarlanced 1st and (l) sun-Tnurs. mianignr-oam, (1) Frl-Sat. 11pm-9am for new condominium retirement community.

Nurses aide ox- Hlggins, Director: uiagnosnc Imaging, 237-5531 ext 250. RECEPTIONISTTYPIST narienca but not radulrad but lAButmi uir acoictant ternoons 3-opm, tor oroer processing. Will train. Apply In person, Capitol Light 4 Supply, 200 Locust Hartford CT. EOE, MF BJcoding out- patient medical claims needed for plus.

Call Marye, 232-4t33. I p.rt ime. Experienced. Be- aesL HTATE A career oooor- Full time position Includes at-1 listing property manager for a I tunlty. America's largest full I PAYROLL ASSSISTANT I Indi NIGHT MAID Full time.

Bene-1 gin January 1, 1987. send fits available. Wed, Thurs 4 1 handwritten resume with 2 Sun-Som-lam, Frl 4 Sat-lOpm-1 references. Courant Box 2nd pressmen and entry level personnel. This Is an excellent opportunity to leern the printing trade.

Good benefits Including pension and profit sharing. Must have own transportation. Contact Personnel at BAB Associates, 31 Edwin Road, South Windsor, CT 06074. (203) 209-3426. AAEOE.

large apart meni complex, vuw typing skills 4 ability to commu-1 nlcate well with the public a must. Starting salary S6.00 par service reel esiaie cvmuanj hiring for sales positions In Bloomfleld, Granby, Windsor, Windsor Locks, Enfield, Suf-fleld 4 Somen areas. FREE tarn. Apply In parson: Grant-I 07370M Htfd. Ct.

Pons, moor Motor Lodge, 3000 Bert-1 ophthalmic TECHNICIAN Aavancemem poivmiai. nwp i Frl. or 5-10. 16.00hr. Apply In person: PDS, 100 Rainbow Rd; Rte 20, Granby.

No Phone Calls PART TIME FULLTIME CASHIERS ananioiiiom Inoton Tpke, Newington. I o.rt tima reouired. Contact 4 week job starting thisB week. rDM i ion vidual will perform a vanery of clerical assignments In the payroll division of the Judicial Dept. Duties may Include Jireparlng payroll Input orms, assisting In the distribution of payroll checks, proofread 4 file payroll nour.

riease can hbmbxh ii, 203-741-2233 Mon-Frl 9-4. trainina mm Skins essentials. t-vu- i PRINTING- Experienced pres NURSE AIDES Full or part time, ell shifts. Excellent salary and benefits Includlna TRAININw kuwmi. I-VI in put 00 years of real estate experience to work for you.

Call to ran? box wjwvi nrra. 06119 RECREATION DIRECTOR 120 bed skilled facility. Full tlma. immediate ooenino. Experl-1 day for oerens a conrioenuai weekand differential and em-1 opportunity Building mate- irms.

some tvDlno 4 data en roi inierview. wwniy nvn, wwi pioyvi-Ha'H t' I rial distributor in sourn wina- ence preferred, west Hertford Manor. Call administra sperson, sheet too up to at We offer excellent wages, benefits and pleasant working environment. Call 236-0606 for appt. Wolf Printing 310 Newington W.

Htfd CT 06110. try work, and other related duties es required. Applicants tor hat an opening In their office for a narson with a RN to work 3-11 shiH In Hartford I nursing home. Earn S12.50 per hour (modified per dlam rate). tor at 230-JM.

ufa nnvo have. Immftdlatt oiwn- THANKSGIVING background In building prod once. No-benefit package also available. Certification and good working references re- Sulred. Call Mrs.

Ferguson at urnslda Convalescent Home, Mon-Frl, 1-3, 289-9571. Our corp markets ir something that ovary one wants 4 needs. Quality food It always In demand 4 wa need highly motivated poo- pie. Prof I telephone mktg ttafH set i pre- screen all Interested II buyers. Our reps work 14 by appt only 4 service both existing 4 new fl acctt.

Write your own 1 success. Car nec. Inter- II talk. Call Mr. Sheridan, 6744I962.

inoi for catnisn, civrKi to worn part tlma days, homemaktr'i I ucts or insiua oam. wm nrAurth notantlal for riant oar- PRINTING Fast paced modern must possess yrs or clerical experience In the areas of Kyroll, accounts payable, or okkeeplng. Successful candidate will work 35 hrt weekly at a starting bi-weekly salary of U5.S4. ADollcants should Recreation Director web printer nas a neea for RN 3-11 SUPERVISOR ton. 5 day work week with overtime, pull company paid Insurance plan, earned days, nrnflt sharlno are some of the hours, nights 4 weekends at our future convenience store gas outlet In Hartford near the West Hartford side of town.

Competl-ttua wiiiM. no evoerlence nec REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Part 4 Full Time appraisers needed. Experienced only need apply. Salary or fee spilt. Send resumes to: Ap- Great place toB work.

Super location on bus-B lines but also We are seeking RN's for our 155-bed facility with good organise-1 nnlv hv Nov. S. 1986 to: State of CT Judicial Flnan-1 tlonal and Interpersonal skills. fringes. Appry at: 4 Distributors, 1640 Route 5, South TAKE A STEP AHEAD! RECREATION SUPERVISOR qualify control opvraiui all shifts In newly established Quality Control Department.

Must be familiar with all aspects of lithography, have excellent communication skills and ability to make sound ludgments. We offer a competitive salary and a full benefit rariuni. contact Person EHMUunt nanatitB ano wauv. NURSES AIDES all shifts, training course provided for qualified applicants. You will be paid while learning plus re- colve free meals 4 paid meal time.

Hughes Convalescent, centrally located en busline off Parmingten Avenue, 2f Highland West Hartford. Mlts Anderson, P4-5tB essary. Apply In person, Won-Frl, 9em-4pm at HARTFORD I CITGO MINI MART, On NEW raiser, p.o. box iu, wosron-ury, CT 06033. REAL ESTATE Full time asso Also accepting eppiicetions to, ill charae position.

Call A.I del Services, Drawer station Hartford, CT 06106. Equal Opportunity Employer. PAYROLL COORDINATOR Re-xnonslhla for eomoletlon of FREE PARKING Di.nl crestflekl Con-1 Windsor, t-onn. OPTICAL LAB needs parson as lens grinding machine operator. Will train.

Must bo dependable. Call at Clarkdale BRITAIN AVE, HAKTrUKU. Bier Tuutt RiilGuv Friday. Riverside Health Care I if vou drive. valescent Heme, Mancnetter, 643-5151.

EOE. Small Bloomfleld off Ice, light SALES-COMPUTERS, multt-V user systems. Salary and commission, plus benefits. Judsoa Computers 1003 IFJr I Center, a largo pro-1 ciates needed immediately. Progressive company involved In residential, new construction 4 commercial real estate.

Amazing potential. Gat vour foot In the door Besides all thisB RN 3-11 Supervisor, 1 days per NURSES AIDES Certified White Haines, 400 Haydensta-Nurses Aides. Immediate I tlon Rd, Windsor. 688-8311. nel Department at B4B Associates, 31 Edwin Road, South Windsor, CT 06074.

(203) 209-3426. AAEOE. weekly payroll and administration of Insurance and employee benefits. Contact Kathleen Sutherland, Klmbtrly Hall South, 1 Emerson will in lovaiv iHDUfnan mingron west tw mvf lojron 236-: skilled nursing facility. Excel- placement.

Own transporto-1 OPTICIAN Licensed. Wanted tlon required. 87.50 to start. I Danbury area. New store.

clerical, i i-J. aww, PART TIME Help needed Immed. Flexible hrs, general office work. Typing, phone, dynamic office atmosphere. Call Joan Arclero, 236-1223.

Da.PT TIME HELP NEEDED: gresstve long snort term rehabilitation facility has a full time position available for an experienced recreation director. Respon SALESDIRECT lent wage a oenem pecnaya. Cap intnrviaw contact MrS. Temporary Healthcare Ser-l with a growing company. Let I us talk to you about our 4 steps I to success program.

Call Joy I you wil have the trbest" fringe benefit package PRINTING Fast paced printing company needs experienced Excelien pay 4 benefits. Pos- Drive, Windsor CT 6frt43. EOE Kingston, Kimberly Hell vices, in rean ouuv tie, i slble parttnershlp. Call Mr Se- Hartford, CT 06103, 560-1770. ANUHUK HtKt ttrlpper to do both fake color se it es ii inciuoe i pemcioms Actuary (enrolled) lentano ror ootbiis, bi visioir North, Windsor, CT.

O00-6441. EOE. Donatrio for a conr loeniiei in-tervlew today, 529-2000. NURSES AIDES Lovely subur to work with a consulting firm staff supervision 4 do-1 velopment of activity I ban skinea nursing tocmitv. EJin tne uidustry, ana soma prui.v wvm.

Should have at least 1 year of solid experience. We offer a competitive wage plus excel RNRRANCH MANAGER I SET YOUR COURSE part time, can Mrs. hoc no, 521-3100. programs tor rtti- rfanfs. Exoerlanee with I Desk Clerk- i-ri, oat, oun, 7am-3pm.

No experience needed, must enloy working with public. Housekeeper-Weekdays andor weekends, win train. Laundry Person- If you ore an RNBSN ready to I if you can live on S10W5 per Interested? Call REAL ESTATE Great opportunity leasing new luxury apartments In congenial atmosphere. Rental or. solas experience required.

Salary plus Incentive. Call Mariana wono, B-oiau OPTICIAN, part time, required. Contact skills essential. Apply Courant Box 07337M Htfd. Ct.

0611? OPTICIAN to work In optometrist's office. Send reply to P.O. BOX 257, Bristol, CT 06010 ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT immeaiate parr time openings available on all shifts. Training class will begin In mid-November. For Interview apply In person or contort Mrs.

Johnson, Klmbtrly toko 0 Step oeyorto iraaitioneii ween tot nliS PERSONNEL ASSISTANT Full time (37Ui hrs per week posl- tlnn available In the Human I multiple handicapped I adults preferred. For I personal consideration lent benefit pacKage. oniaw Personnel Department at BAB Associates, 31 Edwin Road, South Windsor, CT 06074. (203) 289-3426. AAEOE.

Becky today! Sat-Sun. Night Auditor- Frl or Sat, llpm-7am, must have please can j. h.tii-Cardl, 209-2791 Resource Dept. Personnel experience required. Some typ Of voi-jew.

math aptiruae out win train. Han fiortn, Kimberiy ur. nurting, we wouio nne to wni mkini ry k-you an opportunity fo direct our you earning anywhere from-' aStedltertfordbranchoftice. S70M1000 par waok 4 up i within We are a quality mlndad nation- 1 month. Wa speclellza In gour- -al health services organization ntettoodproduchthetwillylelo) seeking afTambltlous RNBSN vou up toe 90 repeat business, with previous management ex- We also offer: Ing.

Please apply In writing I printing CT, ess-oen. eue. REAL ESTATE SALES n- Human Resource Dept. OFFSET PRESSPERSON Deane Highway, Rocky Hill, I ni 7284)057 UNITED TEMPORARIES Glastonbury, come loin our NURSES AIDES A great opportunity to upgrade CT. -yiV-440.

roirfwt.ll Banker. th fruited I Wlnsted Memorial Hospital, 115 Spencer St, Wlnsted, CT 06O98. yourself to Hoiaeioerg presses in time JANITORIAL Eve RIVERSIDE HEALTHCARE CENTER 745 Main Street East Htfd, CT 06100 Time available on all shifts nam in real state, has lmm I nam in ivoi bioiv, na small team, can tweo. PAINTER. Able, willing person, minimum 2 years experience.

Call 278-2273. If you have a productive artt- dlate openings for highly motl Plain and simple- a good place nings, 5 deys weekly, or4l hours per evening. 243-12901 I tude and 2 years experience on PERSONNELRECRUITER. H.T to work. i.r I nthai nrcc vMp) rttfmr aood I vntstd.

aoal-oritnted Individ' Flexible scneauuna oerween iv anq PAINTER All-around experl-1 I uieMI Kaafialt(l as liil OlWrElllainr I lift IS. KfOTtlHIOnBI IBCI IITIVSi college groa I cm m. 1 romoh.nslve trainina environment. Call 666- eWeekend differential Fulloart tlma working enceo painters, own tronspor-1 papjt TIME any' of Connecticut EJ 9 Pratt Street Hartford, CT 06103 BJ BDBBBBBB MEDICAL Laboratory Technl- recruiting. Excellent hl-vlsl' program and growtn opportuni IZUU tor appointment.

SS flllty: PMition lnvo i sales calls, clientcustomer re- lotions, nurse recruitment. In addition to managing our off lea R.pld advancement operations. Strong previous .7 home health experience from Terrltorlet aval lab -both Medicare and private pay throughout Conn. Only background preferred. Excep- ey motivated need apply.

For tlonal oarnlng potential, Includ- personal Interview please con-inn Kkat (( tonus, and com- tact Mr. Bono, 269-0085. LOOKING FOR RECREATION THERAPIST: Exciting opportunity for a nnrtnn with racroetional elndlvlduallied orientation eBonus time available ties, oian your now wro TOflon, rep per, pi -Ing. Call between I 4 5:30, Mon-Frl, 232-4507, WOLF lULVK eiwniiM 111 Holmes Newington EOE, MF further an existing one. can Sheila Tucker, 67000.

If Interested aoolv In person PERSONNEL RECRUITER for Plalnvllle Convalescent Home background to work with head Tniured clients on an Interdisciplinary foam. Creativ PAINTER APPRENTICE for Hartford area contractor. Nc experience necessary, but mid ha luilllna to learn and clan. Full lime. Weekends Included.

Must be flexible. Send resume to PO Box 1120, Bristol CT06O10. PRINTING nonre ENTRY PERSON- 269 Fermington Ave Plalnvllle, EOE ity, flexllllty, energy end en- A CHANGE? Credit or collections experience preferred, but will train customer service oriented Individuals to become credit managers. Work several part or full time days each week. Openings throughout Greater Hartford well established tirm.

urrers excellent earnings, top reputation, convenient W. Htfd. location. Recruiting exp.req'd. Call Norb Fried, CPC, EXECUTIVE SERVICES, 236-1971.

thiitlatm a must. Sand IIIIDCIMA Posltlon available for order entry person. See our ad under Rlete benefit pockaga. 1.pta.sALE$EarnextraSwhllaloslng. irward resume and salary hit-1 ight.

Overweight SJ inly ISpiyT HOtl MEDICAL LABORATORY have dependable means of transportation. S37-2312. resume to: Rehab P.O. Box DIRECTOR OF NURSES CLERICALORDER tfllKf. Onilmi Inc 1500 West 109, Mllford, Ct.

06460. I rnl Mt.llS PAINTERS. Must be fully expe Mult I level Inna term care faclll- WOLF color taimrnn-i 666-1200 Suite 600, Overland Park, KS BSfCDCATIOM THERAPEU SALES Experienced sales pro-- TECHNICIAN needed for busy Internists office near Hartford Hospital. Duties Include routine Woodwork and drlnalysls, EKG, venlpunc- tore. Saturdays only.

Call 246- seeks a DNS to manage the urslng Department. rienced in exterior inferior. Call Colonial Builders, 429-5700 (Storrs area). PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR Coldwell Banker 678-8900 REAL ESTATE SALES Avon. Rare opportunity for experienced agents.

Compass Realty has moved to a brand new office, non-smoking areas. High bonus program, Rt 44 location. All Interviews confidential. Call Larry Gagnon, 471-0626, Compass Realty, PERSONNEL Recruiter needed for fast paced recruiting agency. BCBS plus oroflt sharing.

66210. RN-DIRECTOR OF NURSING SERVICES Requirements inciuoe on expv riencad RN pottesslng a good PAINTERS 5 years experience a TIC. Full time or port time. We era looking for a mature 4 enthusiastic person to work with the elderly at Hughes Convalascent. Must meet state qualifications, state certificate to associate de understandina of lona form eaaa, oerween ivam-pm.

etc. Call Nate Friedman at I ressionot, to con on "fai" -attorneys 4 mortgage lenders. Salary, commission, plut company vehicle. Respond to Tlcor Title Insurance Co Suite 900, 101 Pearl St, Hort- -j ford, CT, 06103, Attention; Ulu I alanu close to home. Send resume, let- TEMPS 2433 Main Street Rocky HIIICT 06067 529-9399 past TIME Male 4 female In- must, excellent wages, wan after 5pm, 267-9554.

MEDICAL LABORATORY! care and supervisory experl- SPECTRA PKurssaaiw-eia. I EvcnllMt Annartunltv and ben- SEARCH, 721-TMU. t-ee pa. PHLEBOTOMIST Noeaea tun once. Full lime.

Experienceo on single color GTO and 2 color mul-fl's helpful. Immediate opening availablo. Paid benefits. Vacation, overtime and excellent working conditions. Apply In person at The Brier-wood Printing 301 Farmlngton Ave, Plelnvllle, CT or call 747-6805 for an appt.

ef itsbonuses. Salary to 612,000 1 PAINTERS Experienced. Must Excellent salary and benefits. Pleasa sand resume and salary gree, MS eurnnam -jo-p time or two pert time posl turns Early a.m.. and after- based on experience.

s.eu mr. nave own transportation, i op pay. Call 670-0699. REFRIGERATION MECHANIC luiramentt to Lourem box- structors needed tor sarotzon i require 07332M cent Home a Htfd. Ct.

06115. noon, no weekends. Must have own vehicle. Call Mrs. Routlllar between vanv4om.

PAINTERS Minimum of 5yrt REAL ESTATE SALES CABEER OPPORTUNITIES School. Mrs, aassi at H-eaai. si iff won hava fiadlatric exDerl- PHARMACIST. Full time position available for a Registered Pharmacist In our Rockville store. Salary to high Sid's.

Good benefits. hospitality, contract furnlsh-Ings, and supplies for a no Experienced. For tne assembly of large refrigeration units ground support equipment for aircraft. Must be capable of assembling and sol- jmica. we want vou for a day I OCCUPATIONAL Connecticut Laboratory Ser-l Are available In the Greater Hartford araa.

Have vou ever experience, own iransporta-tlon a must. Call 2244046 or 727-4021 for an appt PRINTING vices, BHW position. Enloy excellent pay I rotes. Call 674-1XH. I asked yourself: PHYSICAL THERAPISTS PAINTERS WANTED ExPerl- tional hospitality supply CO.

Must be saff-motlvated. Expo-, rlence In retail or contract furniture soles It required. Mail resume to Courant Box, nriri sxvcio so Starr, uwn I PART TIME MORNINGS MEDICAL LAB PHLEBOTO-. MIST 2 part tlma positions available for experienced Phlalwtomlst In our Rockv Job Share Possibilities transportation and neatness I Fiextoie scneauie. Computerized RX der partment.

For consideration call Arthur Two positions available In growing company. Bindery A Maying: Operator experienced with Cheshire and Bell 4 Howell equipment preferred. Self motivated. Full time position. Insur RN, LPN.

3-11 and 11-7. Full or part time. Wages commansu-rate with experience. Excellent benefits. Contact Mrs.

1. couid I DO successful in reai estate? 2. Can I work part time. 3. What Is the Income potential? 4.1s there continued training at nn rait to ma? aering ctmovninit Silping from blueprints and low diagrams.

Apply In person at Accessory Controls 4 Equipment 005 Bloomfleld Ave, Windsor, CT. EOE. 0736UM Htta. U. UP 1 13.

Hill patient facility. Please I challenging opportunity call Diagnostic Medical Lab-I patient rehab facility has Drug stores, ya-sni. Kingston. Kimberly HaiilsALES Great opportunity leas. Reliable Individuals ara naeded to assist local requirog.

obo-joo. PART TIME ASSISTANT TEACHERS Part time Assistant Teachers in nnu, liaviirv anartmants in nursing numv, i-m. I We will enswer these questions oratory, i-eei-ojoi, oitttont, fngs for Occupational and Physical Therapists to be a pert of Windsor. 608-6443. eoe.

branch offices in me ae-nverv of newspaper fgrsonnet ueparrmoni. ance, 4 dey40 nour wore ween. Paste up Artlst-Typesettlnas Will train self motivated Independent worker. Experience a and more at our NIGHT, Oct. 29, 7pm at Coldwall PHARMACY ASSISTANT congenial atmosphere.

Rental or sales experience re-, Sulrad. Salary plus Incentive. all Mariano at 951-3400. FjB RNLPN REFRIGERATION PERSON to install and repair Icemakers and repair Ice merchandisers. Good benefits and pay.

Call 522-5281 or apply between 9-5pm. Southern New England MnnKar Kaai estate. mam I Full or pert time, to assist pharmacist In various duties. Call shortages to our carriers and subscribers. Clerical and telephone responsibilities mey also Glastonbury, Ct.

RSVP 659- 3-11 4 11-7 shifts plut. Full time position, insurance, 4 day40 hour work week. Apply In person: Dover Print I. Plain 4 simple- a good place to I SALES r- uu marfirai mna voce- enowniuivii, wpMr, '-y- meoiui ra-w I Debbie, 236-jaw. PHOTOGRAPHY nle with communication sklllsl provioe IK, STiliiHlr Varied work.

GRfiW WITH US DO assigneo. nour oi oaneraflv in the early I REAL ESTATE SALES You I are Invited to Investigate a fl- essential. Minor typing and ing, IX cast ntwnn 7 nwvu, Bloomfleld. 243-0365. I schedules availablo.

2-4 shifts I iche'dlies iT.lTibfe. thifti oper diem rates elndlvlduallied pd orientation oClMlhie tchedulina Sales position availablo with an oenerat ottice Skills eiso re-i sturdav. Sunday and ICO 0, Ull, IU I rupa ra 1 1 1 1 REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN morning and may extend Info the day, vary ONt HOUR PHOTO LAB I 1. MfHKS Dam VKHIUII UIU VIIV 1 quired. Seeking permanency 1 Inanciany rewaraing career real estate.

Established West Hertford Century 21 agency intarnaTionai rt company. Base income provld- week af Chrlslmat, paid medl- cal and life Insurance, tuition I shifts 1 year experience ing according to area. An Insured vehicle and a tor ngm applicant. Courant Box 07335M, Hart-I reimbursem*nt. Benefits pro ed plus commissions oonuwp -in the Southern New ford, Ct.

06115. eWeekend differential Fullpart time Interested apply In person Plalnvllle Convalescent Home 269 Farmlngton Ave. Plalnvllle. EOE TECHNICIAN MANAGER TRAINEE working with persons with mul-1 tlple disabilities. Some college I preferred In psychology, spe-l del education or related field.

I Sflnrnl avnarlenee ore Looking to relocate? Come to Cape Cod and loin one of the fastest-growing refrigeration and HVAC companies on the rated tor ion snargrt. aeno re-tumet or call: MEDICAL OFFICE Part tlmel now interviewing, strong commission plus bonus plan. Exceptional training program. If you are currently licensed or In a state licensing program, call valid CT driver's license era required. An excellent hourly rate It paid, and a generout mileage ferred, but not a must.

Send re-. sume to: Paul Brewer, 90 WesfM Personnel Department otsjee manager, aeno resume to. Suite 303, 1000 Asylum Ave, allowance is aiso inuuv n.r. juv St. SlmSbUIY.

CT 06070. 2M-XOSI. naxttoro, s.t uo i w. isrita Tate at If PRINTING Wa arc a growing printing com- pany. we need an expo- noticed Herrit pros- sperson to run 1 4 2 color sheetfed presses.

Profit sharingretire- ment 4 health plan benefits. Good oppor- tunlty for someone with ability who wants to produce 4 grow. Call Business Images UK, 741-2594 HARTFORD EASTER ed. ror more information about the opportuni MEDICAL RBCEPTIONISTl tinont evanaoie -j enu inrilvldual orientetlon. Pert time to start.

Full time In future. Experience helpful, but will train. Manager receives salary and performance bonuses. Apply In person Rifs Camera, Monday-Friday, Hartford Civic Center. Send resume to: Employment Office OAK HILL SCHOOL 120 Holcomb Street Hartford, CT 06112 243-3496 EOE HIGH SCHOOL i SEAL REHAB CENTER personaoie maivio-i ties available In your Cope, we ara looxing ror service technicians that can handle ell types of refrigeration equipment and HVAC systems.

Full time year-round employment, We offer good wages 4 benefits Including BCBS. Call between Sam-4pm at 617-255-1669. Excellent wage and benefits area, contact: ual wlfn good organisational skills to manage Farmlngton package. Please ceu pros 00 Coventry Street Hertford, CT 06112 REPRESENTATIVE Tn wi.it Conn 4 Western. Mass.

Hill Renao center, cost Valley Ophthalmology prac-l li-e Anniicant must navel SOr CT. 623-W46 243-9741 PART TIME BABYSITTER at I Fitness 4 tennis facility. Free I EOE minimum one year medical I nOHra avoerience. Will trelnl I REGIONAL DIRECTOR Con PHYSICAL THERAPIST The Real Estate Company iite At fitness, sob ana ameni-1 EHO Ml-164 for some technical duties. Sal-1 high schools 3-11 and 11-7.

New wage tcale 4 Individuals In behalf pf effect. Excellent benefits ford Technical Institute Including weekend dlfferen- reer programs. Salary, fringes, tlal. Employor-pold medical MmpjsnycarAexcellentcarear, Fran Harrington GLASTONBURY 241-675 Bob Richardson NEW BRITAIN 225-7652 BobHartnett WINDSOR REAL ESTATE SALES Due to ary and benefits comtttensu- ties. Daytime.

Stop by lor In-1 tervlew Tues-Frl. TOom-noon. Rocky Hill Tennis 4 Fitness I Center, 1000 Elm St, Rocky Full time opportunity for Regls- I tarnrf Tharanlst. Rehab teem fo- tract security agency nos positions open for aggressive, self-motivated Individual with prior security management experience, to work In tha Marfford area. We offer OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST REGISTERED rate with experience, trt-xau insurance a pension nm- MfBOICAL RECEPTIONIST 2 I cut with emphasis on tv i at, I Pulmonary and Ganarai Raheb.

PRODUCTION CONTROL Hill. busv West Hertford of- non-eenarii onu vmw i fall Mrs. FerOUSOn I flea Must have tvoino end Full time staff position for OTP. at a 200 bed JCAH accredited at Burnslde Convalescent I good salary, benefits, and In-1 centlve program. Send re-1 sume to: LSI, 50 Post SAIFS-INSIDE I Flexible scheduling allows each Individual to broaden their professional background or specialize, staff Is encouraged to PART TIME BOOKKEEPER 30 hrswk.

Duties Include cash I receipt, accounts payable, I navrnll. aenaral ledaer. end I llfsht bookkeeping experience. No Saturdays. Benefits.

EXPEDITER. Home, MOn-f e-J, er-rari. Rood west, westport, ct Please call 527-1173 rehabiutationcnronic Disease hospital. Opportunity to become a member of a multi disci Progressive manufacturing company re our rapid expansion pro- ram, we are seeing excep-onal Real Estata Profession-els to loin our growing staff. If you are highly motivated 4 prepared to work In an organized business environment with emphasis on customer satisfaction, we went to talk to Sou about foinlng our team, te're happy to Interview licensed or to-be licensed agents.

Please call In West Hartford, Century 11, Towne Line Realty, Sandra or Sal. 236-0821. THE HARTFORD COURANT MEOICAL SECRETARY for RNLPN Full time 7-3 position I end port time and on-call avail-1 able on all shifts. Excellent I working conditions and bene-1 financial reports. Knowledge I of One-Write system and I some computer experience I helpful.

Please cell 24946271 Conn, based, nationally recognized end respected distributor of wire, cable and tubing hat currant requirements for 2 Inside selesoeonle. Excellent I participate in expansion or services. Affiliations are ongoing In all professions. Contact Maureen Weems, Chief FT, 223-2761 plinary team providing treatment In areas of stroke. 06880, Attention: Mr.

Biiey. RESIDENTIAL DIRECT CARE Following positions available ImmarilHtalV to WOrk in Oh Hartford surgeon, i-uii pay ing benefits, loh www trematlc brain injury, general I extension ioi. EOE between a mon-rri. Greenwood Health Cntr I MEBtCAL SECRETARYRE. cewTlOHltT Full ma post quires a resuu vi ivmsu person for this highly visible entry level posl- a tlon In our production 1 control deportment.

A High School diploma re- fj quired. Duties to Include 4 clerical work, axpedit- Ing orders through shop i and preparation of fj ICFMR facility with mentally retarded adults (4 beds) who reside within the community. Committed, caring, reliable Individuals sought: renao, pulmonary renau, outpatient 4 home care programs. Excellent medical, educational 4 vacation benefits. Salary commensurate with experience.

Please contact Ms. Ander- PART TIME BOOKKEEPER Mon-Frl, approx 3 hrsday. Basic bookkeeping skills reaulrod. adoIv Slmsburv Mo- tlon for busy Enfield office. Experience preferred.

Good 236-2901. Convenient to 1-04 and 1-91. benefits. Call 741-2531 HEC-L1GMT TYPING-TEMP. PART TIME Office Cleaning, Monday-Friday, 5-0pm.

Ell, 404 Hopmeadow St, Stmt- uxnirti secretary want RN, LPN If you hava ventresp nvMrlance. we wont vou for a I opportunity for mature, organlcad and self-starting Individuals. Experience in the wire and cable field helpful, but not necessary. Salary commensurate with experience. Complete benefits program.

Please call for an appt. ton-Loos, cniot ot uccupat lonai Therapy for an Interview NEW BRITAIN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 2150 Corbin Avenue New Britain, CT 06050 PHYSICAL THERAPIST 4Or OCCUPATIONAL needed for JHtfd. area facility. S16-20K. Bachelor's degree from approved school 4 CT license.

ed, 1-perton office. S-dev week. Mutt be good typist. PUry. OOITIJT.

ftSK tor jvnil. Pert Time unique and challenging nurs-l work in area you iiko wun nice friendly people. Telephones are busy. Call Barbara. CO-OPPORTUNITY Personnel.

750 Main, Htfd, Good benefits. Call 247-0455. ina opporrunny. caui Rocky Hill araa. apco oer- vlces, 224-8812.

PART TIME OFFICE Evenings 4 weekends. Must be good with figures 4 phone. Apply In person: carpet Giant, 221 Sralnard Rd, Htfd PART time, oaruroay oun-day 10-3pm; 11-9pm), South Glastonbury. PART TIME, Monday-Friday (7-9em), South Glastonbury. TEMPORARY FULL TIME, Sunday-Wednesdey (11pm-9am), South Glastonbury- PART TIME, Saturday (1- Onm; lAVtaml.

Rockv II. CASHIERS NEW BRITAIN montniy pans iovjum ments. CRT experience helpful. Contact Personnel Manager, 666-3342 or send resume to P.O. Box 11159, Newington, CT 06111.

Qualified applicants only. pay rate. Call 674-1301 today. RNLPN 278-6960 Or JUV l-armingion Fmgtn, 670-1619. Perm positions avail.

Sfnrn avtra money after work. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MESH CAL SECRETARY Part timefull time, OB GYN office). Mutt have experience anol good typing skills. Medical assisting a plus. Flax hrt.

KmnA miuim: Marfford Gvn Excellent oenet Its. rree pai n- or send resume toRlch-1 erd Novicelll, EJ Ste-phens 734 Tolland I 2150 Corb In Avenue Ing. On busline. Call Sharon. Meadows Manor It seeking RECEPTIONIST.

$13,500. Down PART TIME office person to assist office manaaerbook- 5:30 to 0pm 4 Saturdays 9 to Christmas season. Cashier 4 general office work In Hartford's best specialty store. New Britain, CT 06050 DAWSON PEklueacL. 1 4fc dl d- dk -a-ssV-t RN's, LPN'S tor pen time pet (tim charae nurse DOSlt ons on c.

Htto. ueiue. 202-9400. 7721. fee pd Center, 140 Retreat Ave, Hart- OFFICE CLERK 40 hrsweek.

FULL TIME, Second Shift, Rocky Hill. PART TIME, Eves, Week- hHi. Second Shift. TOl and. ford CT 06106.

Ann name town Hertford, t-rienory personality 4 phone voice needed for this exec, office. Call Loretta, DAWSON PERSON-NEL, 249-7711. fee pd keeper in one person ottm for restaurant. Must be clerically oriented. Approx.

10 hrs. weekly. Hours flexible. No weekends. 520-2030 Dom Sr.

or PICTURE FRAMERSALES firt time. 20 hours a week, xperlence preferred. 674-1 Light typing, some oooKkeep-Ing experience. Apply Modern Concrete Pumping, PRODUCTION CONTROL CLERK SALES INSIDE PAINT growing Call 270-3671 to sat up Interview. Connecticut Community Ser all shifts.

Excellent benefit no benefit rete. Contact Mrs. Glbbs, RN, DNS or Mrs. Balet, RN, ADNS at 047-9191. MEADOWS MANOR hmimII Streat MESSENGER Apply in person, or can ausan May at 522-0101.

STACKP0LE MOORE TRYON CO. HARTFORD RECEPTIONIST. Mature, prp- vices, 630 OOXWOOO ouiie oppicr CLERK Super posi PLANT PRODUCTION WORK-1 immediate need for a PC Clerk. nivena duties in la roe I Connie. PART-TIME downtown law firm.

I 120, West Hartford, CT ooiio. RESTAURANT Dishwasher, ERS. Our company is a leaaer must neve tiling, typing nr-In Its field of meat processing. I punch exp. Large amount of pa.

tion for someone wno wanrs to come beck Into the work farce. Tvolna 50 WPm, fessionei on pnone eno in person. Run front office, high atop CltyPlace. Good people, good benefits. Join our team -you'll like It here as much at we do.

Write to Jan, DGC, paint wnoiesaier istooxing tot a person with experience In the point and sundry business to work at a sales counter ano; on the telephone. Paint mix-Ing experience helpful. Colt Mike Lanier, 209-3U6. Fred parking. EOE.

very Well-Or- canaiaato it i hrloht. enthusiastic, I 100 paid nenetlt plan. sau I perworx. must ov narwnrk Must DO PART TIME CASHIERS After 243-1728, y-spm. ganlzed.

Call or send resume to betta Industries, Bradley Perk phones, filing. Plush office In downton Hartford. Call noon, evening ona weeaena i shifts. Manchester self serve Perfect for working Moms! Immediate opening for part-time clerk-typist In prestigious rfmuiliwrn Minmnvl Candidate PLASTIC DEPARTMENT SU- co*ckteii servers, oenquet servers, barbacks, doorper-sons, banquet bartenders, hosthostess. Part 4 full time positions available.

Apply In person: The Gallery, 14) New East Granby, ct otuzo. om- CltyPlace, Hartford, 06103. No ZACKRISON A5SOC630 hardworking and courteous. Must nave valid CT driver's license. Re-bond to: Messenger, iox 3411, Hartford, CT Sn nHIUHIIV look Manchattar, CT 06040 RN Meadows Manor It seeking an RN for a full time supervisory nosltlon on the 11-7 shift.

Excel pleese. cans i SALES-INSIDE-PARTS- MK nmrmA nlcnlMV Oakwood Ave, west Harrtoro, CT. 06110 (203)527-3406 gas station, can oeo-ieaf. PART TIME CASHIER Salt carwa nas station, weekends. IreceptioniST Assistant re London Glastonbury.

ing tor aggressive matviauai production ouksski ii to supervise plastic deport-1 vau have fast hand skills and should have accurate typing (40 wpm), pleasant phone menner and the ebllity to perform mls- rIUntnul clerical dutlas. 06103. EOE. ceptionist tor pleasant man-chatter dental office. Cheer chanicaieiecfricai equip- ment.

Excellent opportunity. Call Kinsley Equipment for Interview. EOE. OFFICE HELP NEEDED RESTAURANT Downtown. Now first end second shift.

Apply In person, EXXON, 2 Sliver nnnri nrinr attenaance rocoro. ment. Call 623-3375 or send re-nma tn Mike Nerlanl. GFI "his position Is for youl Pleasant Lene. East Hartford.

hiring aisnwasners. lonroct Chef Vown, 247-0400. nUnlavs.POBox334.WindSOr.lumrklna conditions. Full time. ful perton, phone skills, some typing.

20-30 hrswk. Experience proferred646-1704J We are Tormlnlx International of West Hertford. Due to promotions we need to hire a full time SALES, JEWELRY New loce- WETAL SPINNER Hours are 9am-2pm. If Interested, ceil us todayl We offer top pay rates, holiday, vacation pay nri tonuses. Call 282-0701 or Locks, Ct.

06096. I day shift positions. Personal RESTAURANT Full or part time lent benefit or no benefit rate. Contact Mrs. Glbbs, RN, DNS or Mrs.

Balet, RN, ADNS at 647-9191. MEADOWS MANOR mf Raceot on st ana run me RECEPTIONIST Excellent Bookkeeper. The Individuals I Looking for person to work In metal spin department. Experh ninK vviiiino to train the PART TIME Christmas Elves neededl Santa needs creative helpers for decorating, sales etc. Flexible hrs.

Mlllane Nurseries Christmas Shop. Cromwell, 635-5500 positions eveiiaoie. uey or nights for waiterswaitresses. 2954229 Marlborough Tavern stop lh to register Mon-Frl 9-11am or 1-3pm, 111 Founders snouia possess very geua iviv- tlon creates immeoiaia -Ings for full 4 pt salespeople, Sood salary, flex, hours, emp. iscounts.

Jewelry exp. help-ful, retail exp. a must. Th Gold Link, East Htfd. Call 74f 3061 for an appointment.

di Acriee. injection MOLD- growth potential. Good hourly Vng SETpIS "to anil good company-paid vidua! to loin a small but Jon or CHAHICS UNI- rapidly growing company. rx June Experience preferred but will Hartford, CT 06100. train nromlslno candidate.

289-342L (right) person. Excellent bena- Plate, Suite 1403, EastHarttora I RESTAURANT John Delmonl- Bnone manners ana main snms. im nfar SAalor Medical, insur co's newest resreuronr, tne Palms, now has openings for PART TIME CLERKCASHIER Needed at adult book 4 video ance, dental plan, holiday, paid vacation, and profit shoring! Wa ara an E.E.O. To schedule tlTS. ppiy in pvr JT 4 welding 29 Mill Street Glastonbury, CT 06033 i 333 Bldwell Street Manchester.

CT 06040 RN Positions open. Part time 11-7 and EOW 7-3. Excellent wages and benefits. Call St. Mary Home, 236-1924, ext.

19, between 9am-4pm. all service and support pep- SALES, MALEFEMALE Rhone skills win quality you this long-term spot In busy law firm. Light typing and six months working experience required. Make appointments, schedule meetings, general office duties. Free Parking.

CGS TEMPORARY SERVICES, 900 Asylum, Hart-ford, 525-8575. RECEPTIONIST ttore. Must be available evenings and Saturdays. Be over it. honatt.

deoendeble end Call 22M331 PLUMBER Experienced helper, steady year-round ob. pie. Apply In person, 161 College New Haven CT, Mon-Frl, 10-5, or call 776-3316. PART TIME permanent position In Htfd for adaptable 4 PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS COMMUNICATIONS an Interview please can wz-wz Monday-Friday 0-5 and ask for Mr. Peavey.

MORTGAGE BANKING have references. Call Randy self motivated person who en American Paging, a national can aw-ievj. RESTAURANT MF. Waitress run The Wett Htfd. office of Con-mmMiriA Matlanal Mortaaoe Co.

at 270-7491 Mon-t-ri. hm KM I paging company, nas an entry IrvJii ulu oositlon ooenino In loys working Individually. Re-lablllty, accuracy 4 typing a must. 5 days, parking PART TIME cook needed for I in Tdistrlbu; censed Plumber for wo In I tof tht faJf foo(l or cook. 56y-3M.

siueen nz-za, J45SilyerLaneJEWfd. (CNMC) hat an opening for a I iMnaair fo assist the branch I OFFICE MANAGER BOOKKEEPER wiri Htfn aaveara. simo on premises. Call 512-2323 Mrs menus, morning hours, bene-1 RESTAURANT now accepting Small manufacturing Co. 40 hour week, flexi iSSry'Snetlfs-K tSlJs.

l-fSSSn. andean SiVSx manager with Internal opera-lions. This perton will be re-1 tMndUa for overseelno all of-1 tit*, can uonovan PART TIME positions avail. Farmlngton area company needs Receptionist to handle busy phone and greet visitors. Light typing (35-40wpm) front imuniiwi Mnrnw industry svamo IS a suosiaiary fnoA.mim,h IVt'smcmV.

ing and Heating, 677-9721. I off competitive salaries, a PLUMBER Licensed lourney-1 comprehensive benefit packman fmfl ewiMirlenced In I mom. tmt work schedules, end the applications tor conquer setup end buspersont. Apply Buckboard Restaurant, 1941 PART TIME Cook's Helper. HoJie Clinic ratpontioiiitiai.

Main Glastonbury. ble, salary commensurate with ability. Meny benefits. Paid holidays. Send personal resume to Monaay-t-naay tuncnes.

p- 6ly In person: The Steak Club, Ishops Corner, West Htfd. Drive, New Britain, CT. flee administrative functions I except underwriting. Quallflca-1 tlont for thlt position Include a I minimum of 4 yrt. processing or I residential plumbing 4 heat-1 finest tractortrailer fleet In I We offer salary plut commit t-iaxioto nours.

ah shhis nevu-ed. Cell THE AGENTRY, 500 Burnslde Av, Hfd, 202-1441 PART TIME Positions. Social oesK poaitian pruivwvimi pearance and phone menner a must. 0600, ision, car allowance and a repairs, excellent saiaty new engianu. iint Ing 4 Ii but a.

out inln us 8, comoll- Tinge penents. zez-orv itions ere: currant via 2 I nhufivBi pnnnlra. pany paio oenenta pw.mii". underwriting convennonei eno cuava loans. Successful can-1 S.5.

Rossmo, ir-H PO Box 346 mm Aiir wan srattaa ikiiiit. twMitian oirars tuturv VICTOR PART TIME I inn i Tin. PLUMBERS Fast-growing me- c.n, chnniot contractor In Ver-1 ments. for dot. at least i yr Thorough orientation progr-1 rMr opportunities for the right COURT MONITOR South Windsor CT 06074 dldaits will underttand the I mortgage banking process and I limaruMM tractor tranar ariv- nanManchester area seek TEMPORARY SERVICES I Will be treined to re-1 cord testimony by ma-1 chine In court and will I work Agency, experience in working with groups of chit-drenedolescents highly desirable.

Call Ron Torok, MSW, 522-1163 or 522-2129 or wrlto to Hartford Neighborhood Centers, 30 Lawrence Hertford CT 06106. gam tor tna ma.n,. Free meals, paid meal time. -Benefits 8. commensurate sol-hi Vou feel that you meet our.

WlllVteve nou Itanos-un iimuvuv- mt evnerience. Interested ing, cieen anving recotu, gwM appearance end ploasant personality a must. If vou era Intor RESTAURANT Now hiring Walt Staff, Bar- tenders. Cooks and Kitchen Staff for exert- ing upscale Northern Italian Restaruant opening soon. Superb earning potential, ex- cellent benefits.

Apply In person Monday-Frl- day at 179 Park West Hartford. Ing plumbers and Top waget In area. Company paid Insurance, Includes medical, melor ary. Ploasant atmosphero, I requirements, please contact prepare transcripts tor TOO Farmlngton Avenue Farmlngton conveniently located. Hughes I Michael Barry af529-4000for ad-.

ested In future with an exceptional company, please apply at candidates should submit their resumes with salary history to: Nancy PeHley, South Main iila 300. Wast CT. IanOOOIIIOnai TVV. nwin- tv tn tvae. snail, and I Convalescent, 2f Higmana I dlllonol details.

CAnMalateent. meaicai, me insurance, wn- the Sygma Network, 191 Flo lit uj.rf, PACT TIME tal and proscription. Buriing- of 'w, u.u ntstl off Farmlngton West Hartford. Iris Zaricor, DNS, 677-7990 punctuate essvniioi. i IriMl oositlon for those I 06107.

Principals only. CNMC It ton Mecl AMERICAN PAGING sves, ars-osi. mhn AHhaws. 1(617)698-3338, John Matthews. READY FOR A CHANGE? 236-540.

who meet the require-1 an fctu aa employer. In all PLUMBER'S HELPER mentt. For appoint RNs-LPNs: Immediate open siaiTStOI ORIGINATOR Fotomat hat txcltlng opporto I nltlM tor nart tlma lobs. No PROGRAMMERS phases of plumbing and ntat- ment Call S66-34W. RECEPTIONIST for physician's office.

Mon, Tues, 4 Frl. Some experience required. East naced. Heavy Phone con I nMri to na horns dead on vour ings tor expenenceo personnel for home care, private duty, 4 staff relief. New Hlgh-nr bnw Bates and excellent cl.9.wo7kXonPmWn.nd Heating, 6n711.

rlO. RESTAURANT WORK Pert time hostess, servers. MF. A round COOkt, Tear! uur poiTion oner you inv 2138 Sllet Deane Highway Rocky Hill, CT 06067 EOE, MF SALES MANAGER Industry leader hat an ax- "Wa ara New England't hlgh-est volume mortgage banker5'. We have an excellent compensation 4 benefits package.

Wa have an opening In startford area for an opportunity to worn inaepan- Part Time dently with the public and learn I PLUMBERS I These ere Immediate full time benefit package. MEDICAL I DPB V1MMEL POOL: 677-OOOS. I bussert needed. 600-7007 or Hi Blue Hills Ave, Windsor tact. Greeting 4 discharging patients.

Organizational skills a must. Excellent working conditions. Contact Elizabeth at 646-0)66. DELIVERT rCReUR abouTfiimprooucts.weorpcur- immediate openings ror ii-1 positions. Call or send resume Bob Keny Florist, Offices In Farmlngton, Hart-I censed plumbing mechanics T0 Teleprocessing Systems, P.O.

rently recruiting for the Rocky Hill erea. We offer an excellent hourly waoa. commissions on OFFICE MANAGER Key position. Take charge Individual to report to the President. Opportunity to grow In exciting business environment.

Excellent secretarial, shorthand and bookkaeplng skills. Computer experience necessary. Hours 9-5. Parking Included. Excallont salary and benefits.

Send resume or letter including salary requirement to: The Vision Corner, Suite 504, 100 Retreat Ave, Hartford, CT 06106. THE VISION CORNER YOUR COMPLETE EYE CARE CENTER and renistered aonrentlcos. PART TIME Dental lab assis BOX 1B6I7, East nartforo, wt ford wew prirgin. experienced, aggressive loan originator. Call Jeff Stevens at Comted Mortgage, 627- Prior experience required in 06110.

520-9237. tant, west Harrroro. otter RECEPTIONIST Physicians of- RNS, LPNS needed to work I RETAIL tales, and participation in our 6pm, 646-50V3. cellent opportunity for an eggresslve Sales Manager. If you are successful at building a sales team, wa -ara Interested In talking i r.

ar tlma munuar- 9406. Thursdey, 4-Spm. Middle- PART TIME DRIVERS needed construction or service worn. Top salary and company paid fringe benefits. Call 633-2664.

plumbers Licensed with PI quarterly oonus program. Pleese call 563-0264 for mora Information, or ston hv vour near for school vans ano puses in MORTGAGE ORIGINATORS Sears Mortgage Corp. Is seek-inn career-orientated loan Full lime opening In one of our PROJECT MANAGERMECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Excellent opportunity for person who can luggle 4 manage of the same time. Candidate must hnva track record th town. Very pleasant working conditions.

347-8600. MEDSOURCE, a rapidly 8 rowing health care service. I 17-3041 or come In to Suite I est Fotomat storo to complete West Hertford. Great for retirees, parents with preschoolers or students. We or PI.

Experience In commer RECEPTIONIST Pleasant tele- an application, tot. with you. Primary rasponsi- bllltleswlll Include recruit-ing, directing, motivating and training our tolas forca. 3-5 years successful tales- 914, 100 constitution piaza. cial, conao ana apanmam work also sprinkler titters.

erfglnatort. Choose from a salaried plus commission or full commission compensation nian. Full bonoflt pack prestigious cosmetic ry commission also, pert time position available for experienced Men's Suit Selesperson. Generous benefits, liberal nnnntlffdl surround nas. l-UIUMAI train, tlexioie nours.

M-ooeo. fihone manner general twice duties including It typing, filing, hendling Telephone messages. Benefits. Please call Mr Mauluccl. 670-1606 Wages S17.0Ohour 4 up.

Fully: paid health Insurance, holi HVAC 4 or plumbing. Excellent compensation package. Send resume to: Paul Holland, at Janazzo Heating 4 Air Condition, PO Box 469, Mllldale, age also provided. Send re-uM in comolete confidence ope work the hours vou days and vacations. Telephone: J42-9464.

Apply to our Personnel Office, Mon. thru Frl. 1M. PART TIME Salad Bar Person wanted for corporate food service. Hours 9-2pm.

Monday-Friday. Will also be responsible for customer service on the entree went 4 earn on excellent salary. We offer crlticel ajKCBDTinslieTSECRETARY PART TIME CT uosor PLUMBER WANTED Experl- torSeart Mortgage 304 Pratt St, P.O.Box 951 Mer -den, CT 06450, Attention: Nel R. Bellsle. we ara an Equal for aavanising agency.

Inunl nnnoAunitv. WP nnnn iwun needed for as- iBamrkEDSf AOIMfa-Part Time. cere, mea'surg, pout, hinh tech home cara. OFFICE MANAGER Small West tabllshed West Hartford firm. I Experience, hours: Oam-lpm skills needed.

Salary up to I Due to expansion In our Some knowledge of hooting I Hertford ottice neeas person to handle all duties. 232-3623; LUETTGENS LIMITED line, will train tne ngm person. For appt. call Rick Fresia at 741-1441, ext. 1251, lam-11, or 1- EOE.

or 6pm-10pm; experience desired, hours: lOam-Spm or Som-Oom. Individual must S14K according to experience. Cell Mrs. Lynch, 235-7040. circulation uepenittent, we ara seekina reliable.

Work full time and enoy full benefits or par dlam. Join the professionals at American Nursing Re- opportunity employer. N.C.MLLING ence along with a BS degree or equivalent are desired. In addition to our base sola- ry (mid SWs) with tergeted Income of S35-40K, we offer a full range of company benefits. For consideration, 7 send resume and salary his-lory to: Courant Box 07417M, Htfd.

Ct. 06115. EOE. SALES OPPORTUNITY DEALER SALES Quality chemicals for: Swim- 473-6000; desirea. lail miner rtvr 4 Hooting Company, 523 OFFICE MANAGER Smell West RECEPTSEC, iJf.

experienced, part-time drivers for day and night Part Tlma Of-iov. i civic Center Plezo Htfd NISB craw, ac leuu, vr i ivn. POSITIONS AVAILABLE A well known rectory outlot Is open- MACHINE OPERATOR Harrtoro ortica neeas person to handle all duties. 232-3621; snins. SALES CLERK Bob Kelly Florist, 146-1673.

UNLIMITED personnel ar- vices. Htfd, fee pd. nn in MiuHmm wan-' 673-6880, To ouallfv. vou must bo Equal Opportunity Employer RETAL SALES znd sim Ing full and part tlma employees. Call 344-9400 for an PART TIME sales help needed over 11 years old, have a OFFICE WINDOW CLERKPT hava strong spelling and.

tirammatlcarskllls. Call mprint Personnel, 236-3571. EOE. PURCHASINGBUYER 2-1 years ob shop experience purchasing perishable tooling, maintenance supplies and raljt- good driving recora. RN TRINITY COLLEGE Full tlma, varlad dirtlais, about eeioMk nohr to start.

I A leading manufacturer of high auaHtw matalworklna machin appointment or appiy in par-ton at 400 East Main Fen- 90nrs, immeaiore opening tor clerk to handle processing of roDlacomont window orders. RECEPTIONIST Class II license ONLY In our Misses sponsweor chain. Wa offer excellent benefits, a liberal discount and advancement potential. Flexible hours. Cell 147-0995.

Arsrslu In IMirBAn OT BiirllnO- I OSM Vllu I an. I schedule Installations, 4 keep SFuRETARY ner corporation vrricq. PREFAB BUILDING EREC School yeer position with summers and school vacations off fnrnnlleaes' new medical facili Iron noe wvii -i E. Httd. 569-1741.

Hartford law firm has I nurcnasina Inventory records, prior ex- rionce preferrred. Excel' it employee sbenefits. Ap PART TIME SECRETARY. 9am ery hat an Immediate opening for a Machinist. Qualified appll-canMnust have one veer experience setting up and operating C.

milling machines, knowledge of measuring tools, ability Ufnrk rnm MiMHirlnts and RETAL SALES opening ror necepiion-1st. Must have typing 4 TOR S-NOW tngieno erea, involves travel. Sheet metal or carpentry experience helpful, will train. 407-1133. This Is a now purchasing opening et Delta Industries, Bradley Park East Granby, CT ty for Trinity students.

12pm to lam. Excellent benefits. To apply, please write to Kathleen to 3pm, tlexioie nours. urge-nlzed, perfect for grede school mom. Call Lorette or need appiy.

Apply In perton to: Human Resources THE HARTFORD COURANT 105 Broad Street Hartford, CT ply in person: All Side Supply Ctr, 70 Meadow St, Htfd. EOE Interesting foil tlma ratall Mia dictaphone skiiis. unlimited notential. Ex 06026. 653-1561.

EOE MFHV ming pools, spas, nv. ati- 9 lines, lakes, and Marine. Territory: Ct, Rl, Long Northern N.J. Salary, com-. mission, full expenses.

Cork pany vehicle. Overnight el. Benefits. For interview, tend resume a or background to: Reglonel1-Sohn Manager, Applied Bio--" chemist. Inc.

P.O.. Box 190I0 Richmond, VA. 23229. SALES Part tlma. Sell booths' I for busy trade show co.

bie hours. Salary plut com-; mission. Call Nora, 233-1654. PRESSER Shirts, pants, silks or bie to Inspect own work. Excel nutiM include assist Sharon.

DAWSON PERSONNEL. 149-7711, fee pd cellent salary 4 bene-1 it Please send I Rieriin, rersonnai vnm, Trinity College, 300 Summit St. Hartford, CT 06106. EOE. ing customer Inselactlna uEtutkr osnH iiaht bookwork.

Full coats. 5 days a ween, rem-4pm. S4.00-s4.00 per hour plut cosh benefits program, life In resume or call Douglas I OIL BURNER TECHNICIAN for the Granby aree. Excellent benefits and working conditions. Apply In person: Stete Line Oil, 514 Salmon Brook St, lent benefit package ana exceptional working conditions.

Ap- plications will be eccepted from PART TIME Slmsbury bowling PURCHASING CLERK. Varied duties to Include reviewing 4 authorizing Invoices, maintaining vendor rating system, all date entry for purchasing A rallied OrlCBI S. boenttein, coon-stein 4 Ebensteln, Interviews will be sched ROUTE DRIVERS Immediate! openings in the Greeter Hart-I ford area for New York Times Route Drivers. Reliable car el Granny li; sa-fwi. uled attar eppiicetions TRUf.TF DC.

ctr neeas oartenaer, eve at pin cheser-Mon, Frl 4 Sun eves. Also needed babyslKar-cleaning person-Mon, Wed 4 Thurs am. Approx 15 hrswk. Will train. Call Paula or Millie Hartord 06103.

5254066 I necessary, neve tun ii. holiday SSI's. Cell Don at I nave been revieweo. nnri r.iiim, nr aODlv: OIL BURNER TECHNICIANS mutt. Call 1-000-424-247S.

surance, peia vacation anu holidays. On busline. Apply at Batfisfon't Complete Fabric Cora Canter, 610 Silas Deane Wethersfleld. Ask for Manager. Paint Preoucn, sztxtoi.

caninaswifcn, suo new Equal Oppty Employer Fermington Industrial Park Wanted for oil company. Full benefits. Hourly rate open. Call Box W. Htfd.

06U0V at 658-4479, 9am-2cim I 243-evrr. r-armtngton, v. i vwm Equal Oppty Employer 1.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.